Preschool News

They Preschool Board is pleased to announce the preschool will  is changing its name to Preschool at The Fount to coincide with the name change of the church.  A new logo is in the process of being designed. Listed below are some of the scheduled activities in March at the preschool:...

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Boy Scout Sunday at The Fount

On Feb 11th we were joined by scouts and their families from both Cub Scout Pack and Boy Scout Troop 567.  The scouts participated in the service offering prayers, reading scriptures and sharing the Scout Law’s scriptural basis.  Everyone enjoyed a Hot Dog picnic after service with the support of...

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Youth Going to Camp!

This year youth will be attending a weekend winter camp. ​ Winter camp has historically been a time of transformative faith building for youth as they leave their families and are challenged to make decisions about their faith journey.  Some choose to follow Christ for the first time, some commit...

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Messy Church

Last Month we learned about how God spoke to Jacob in a dream while he was in the desert.  We talked about places that are special to us and what Jacob did to remember the place where God spoke to him.  Several of our regular table leaders were gone but...

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Boy Scout Sunday

Sunday, February 11th is Boy Scout Sunday at The Fount.  Troop 567 that regularly meets at The Fount will participate in our main service in the sanctuary that Sunday.  Weather permitting, a hot dog lunch will be provided after service.  

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Journey to Bethlehem

After nearly three months of practice and preparation we finally got to enjoy Journey to Bethlehem!  This production included kids from four different congregations and our preschool.  It was exciting to see kids from so many places come together and work on something bigger than their own congregations could have...

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Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Make plans to join us this Sunday, Christmas Eve, for a traditional service of Lessons and Carols, including candle lighting, at 6:00 PM. There will be lots of Scripture, beautiful music, lots of carols, a story for the children, and much more! Invite your neighbors and friends, along with your...

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Children’s Christmas Pageant

Children from our preschool, church, La Cima and the Vietnamese congregations will be presenting “A Journey to Bethlehem” on December 17th at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary. This will be a great time to meet members of the Vietnamese and La Cima congregations as well as some of the parents...

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Messy Caroling!

Our next “Messy Church” will be on Friday December 15th.   We will be bagging cookies and going caroling in the neighborhood.  A light meal will be provided, but we are asking that everyone bring two dozen “easy to pack” cookies.  We will be passing these out to our neighbors as...

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