Youth Sleepover

The youth will have their monthly sleepover on Friday, March 4th in the Youth Room in the East Chapel.  If you are interested in having your child attend, please contact Ted McFarland at  

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The Master’s Storyteller: March 20-23

Put this on your calendar right now and plan to attend a very special Holy Week series of revival services at FVUMC!  United Methodist Evangelist, Wesley Putnam is coming to share the Gospel with us and call us to a deeper walk with the Savior.  Through music, teaching and dramatic...

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“Souper Bowl Sunday”

FVUMC will be collecting cans of soup at our 10:30 am service on Sunday Morning, February 7th in support of the Souper Bowl of Caring.  This grassroots program was started in 1990 in a South Carolina church from a single line in the pastoral prayer “Lord, even as we watch...

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Cookies and Carols – December 6th

Come and join us at our first “Cookies & Carols”.  We will be singing carols and decorating cookies for the holidays.  Some cookies will be provided but bring a couple dozen of your favorite to share.  We will pack up some sweets for you to take to your neighbors to...

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Preschool Trunk or Treat!

The Fountain Valley United Methodist Preschool will hold their annual “Trunk or Treat” on Friday, October 30th at 11:30 am.  Some of the preschool families decorate their car trunks in a creative way and the students, parents, and friends visit each car and receive a treat.  The children love this event...

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Spiritual Parenting

Although my son is just three years old I can already see in him the potential to make amazing God honoring choices or disastrous ones that will lead to painful consequences. Many of you parent older children and may have even experienced some of those difficult times. Fortunately God does not expect us...

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Preschool Fundraiser – Cookie Sales

The FVUM Preschool is once again selling Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough as well as Sonoma Valley cheese cakes, Auntie Anne’s soft pretzels and Nob Hill Pizzas.  All items are $16.00/each.  For more information call the preschool office, 714-968-2834.  All orders and payment are due no later than October 13th.  The...

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Preschool is Opening!

The Fountain Valley United Methodist Preschool will open for classes September 14 for the Monday/Wednesday/Friday and 5-day a week students.  The Tuesday/Thursday students will start on September 15th.  If you have any questions, please contact the Preschool office at 714-968-2834.

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Youth Group is Resuming!

The Wednesday night youth group, led by Ted McFarland, will resume meeting tonight, September 9th.  They will meet weekly at 7:00 pm in the Youth Room on the side of the East Chapel.  If you know of any teenagers that would enjoy meeting other youth and joining them for fellowship,...

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Preschool Opening Set

Below is the schedule for the start of the school year for our preschool. September 11 Meet the Teacher Orientation MWF & 5 Day Students – 10:00 am T/TH Students – 11:00 am September 14  School Starts for MWF and 5 day students September 15  School Starts for T/TH students  ...

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