Welcoming New Members to The Fount

Our newest members, Ted and Nina Smith are long-time Methodists who became interested in The Fount through our connection to The Wesleyan Covenant Association, where Ted serves as the secretary. Ted is an attorney for the City Attorney’s Office in Pasadena. Nina retired from the Air Force and now enjoys...

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News from Nepal

Here is the latest update from our UMC General Board of Global Ministries missionaries, Lester & Debbie Dornon: Dornan March 2019 Newsletter They also shared a newsletter from the hospital where they serve: United Mission Hospital Tansen Newsletter  

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Messy Church Picnic

Friday, May 3rd, 6pm – 8pm.  Come enjoy a picnic, campfire, songs and stories of what God is doing in people’s lives.  All ages fellowship.  We hope to see you there!

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Easter Egg Hunt After Worship This Sunday!

We have a beautiful front lawn, perfect for an Easter Egg Hunt! So bring the kids, the grandkids, and the neighbor kids (with parents’ permission, of course!) this Sunday, April 21st, Easter Sunday! Following worship (around 11:45 AM) we will release the chillin’ to go find all the treat-laden eggs...

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Amazon Smile now at The Fount

If you shop on amazon.com, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to The FOUNT, if you register your account with Amazon Smile. It is simply a matter of going to smile.amazon.com and selecting “The Fount” as your chosen charity. 1. Visit smile.amazon.com 2. Select “The Fount”...

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Join us for Lunch

Sunday, February 10th, following the Scout Sunday Service, our Men’s Group will be lighting up the BBQ and serving us lunch. Everyone is welcome to stay and enjoy a free lunch while getting to know one another and celebrating our ministry with Scouts.

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Scouting at The Fount & Scout Sunday

Take a look at page 12 of the February edition of Fountain Valley Living and you will see how busy scouts have been here at The Fount. It features Eagle Scout Daniel Fisher, who began here as a Cub Scout and recently earned his Eagle rank in our Boy Scout...

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Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 7pm

You are invited, along with your family and friends, to attend The Fount’s Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 7:00 PM on Christmas Eve, December 24th. The service will feature lots of carols, Scripture, music, a story for the children, a message for everyone and the lighting of candles while singing...

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Cookies and Carols

Come join us for an evening of Christmas cheer as we sing in the season and enjoy cookies and treats together in the Sanctuary on Friday, December 21st beginning at 7:00 PM. Carols will be by request, accompanied beautifully by Jonathan Kupper. Cookies and treats will be provided by those...

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Messy Church Christmas Caroling

Messy Church will be going on the road to sing Christmas carols, share cookies and spread the joy of the birth of our savior with our neighbors at the mobile home park across the street. We will start at church with dinner and fellowship before we share our joyful voices....

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