Messy Church Update

February: Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13) We’ve all got things in our lives we value, treasure even.  How often do we consider that the things of this life actually mean very little in light of eternity?  At the February Messy Church  we explored which things in our life we really value...

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What’s Your Vision

If our mission is to “Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World”,  how would you envision going about that?  And what will our church look like when it is accomplishing its mission? These are questions I want to encourage every member of The Fount to prayerfully...

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February Messy Church

The Fount will be hosting Messy Church this month on February 17th at 6:00 pm.  You do not need to bring anything as we will provide the complete meal. January’s meeting was fun and educational despite the torrential downpour that occurred that evening.  At January’s Messy Church  we learned about...

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Wesleyan Covenant Association Testimony

Back in October I had the opportunity to go to Chicago with a few members of our church for the Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA) conference.  First, let me just say I was super nervous—first plane ride for Olivia (she was only 6 months old) and I wasn’t sure at all...

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February Messy Church

This month’s Messy Church is scheduled for February 17th at 6:00 pm.  A reminder, we will provide the entrée and you are asked to bring a side dish. If you have not attended one of these services,  you should consider coming to one.  They are great fun for the whole...

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Angel Tree Gifts for BCIS

This year our preschool joined The Fount in this wonderful program.  Beach Cities Interfaith Services (BCIS) provides a place for parents in Orange County who can’t afford to buy presents for their children for Christmas to come and shop and pick out presents for them.  The Fount has supported this...

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New Year’s Day Service

This year New Year’s Day falls on Sunday and we will be experiencing once again the John Wesley Covenant Service of Recommitment.  It is traditional for Methodists through the ages to recommit their lives to Jesus Christ at or near the start of a New Year.  Since it begins on...

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