Hanging of the Greens

Make plans to help us decorate the sanctuary for the upcoming Christmas holidays.  We will be  gathering on Friday evening, December 1st at 5:30 pm.  Those assisting will also enjoy a soup supper.  Please come and help us adorn the sanctuary in holiday splendor!  

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Consecration Sunday, November 26th

This year, our annual Financial Campaign will be “Consecration Sunday.”  We will have testimonies of how God has blessed through giving and we will dedicate a percentage of our “produce” for the kingdom. As a culmination, there will be an all church catered luncheon on November 26th after worship, to...

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New Ministry For the United Methodist Men

The United Methodist Men (UMM) are beginning a new ministry to assist those in need in our community, and we need your help.  We are looking for opportunities to build, repair, paint, fix, install, clean, or whatever else it takes to help people who need those services.  This may include...

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Children’s Christmas Pageant!

We’re excited to announce that The Fount will be producing a Christmas Pageant this year!​  Ric and Jonathan will be working together to produce a traditional Christmas Pageant and they’ll need all the help they can get (don’t they always?).   First, consider committing to bring your kids or grand-kids...

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Daylight Savings Time Ends

Hurrah, we gain another hour of sleep the night of November 4th!  Remember to turn your clocks back before you go to bed as daylight savings time ends at 2:00 am on Sunday, November 5th.  

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Church Potluck November 5th

What a great way to fellowship with your friends here at The Fount.  We will be hosting a baked potato bar potluck lunch after service on November 5th.  We will be providing the baked potato bar and we’re asking those who attend to bring a side salad or dessert dish...

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Preschool Sunday at The Fount

This year Preschool Sunday will be held on Sunday, October 29th.  The Fount will be honoring the staff of the preschool and the “preschooolers” are scheduled to sing as well.   So, don’t miss church on October 29th!

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Trunk or Treat at the Preschool!

It’s Trunk or Treat time again!   The annual Trunk or Treat is scheduled for Tuesday, October 31st with  dress up days on October 31st and November 1st.  This is such a fun event for the families and children.  If you have never witnessed this event, make time on October 31st...

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