Maundy Thursday Service

On Thursday, March 29th, come and experience a very special service of Holy Communion and Tenebrae (darkness).  Marking the events of Holy Thursday (also known as Maundy Thursday, Maundy is from the Latin referring to Jesus’ washing of the disciples’ feet) when Jesus and His disciples experienced the Last Supper...

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Messy Church

“We are the family of God, and He’s brought us together to be one in him, that we might bring light to the world.”  These words from a popular worship song were central to February’s Messy Church where we discussed the idea that our Church family is as important as...

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Holy Week

This year, we will observe the following schedule for Holy Week services at The Fount: *  Palm Sunday, 10:30 AM Worship with Palm Parade *  Maundy Thursday, March 29th, 7:00 PM: Holy Communion and Tenebrae *  Good Friday, March 30th, All Day Prayer Vigil in Prayer Room *  Easter Sunday,...

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Preschool News

They Preschool Board is pleased to announce the preschool will  is changing its name to Preschool at The Fount to coincide with the name change of the church.  A new logo is in the process of being designed. Listed below are some of the scheduled activities in March at the preschool:...

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Spring Forward!

Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour when you go to bed on Saturday, March 10th.  Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 11th  at 2:00 AM!  If you forget, you’ll be late for church (and we don’t want that!).  

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Boy Scout Sunday at The Fount

On Feb 11th we were joined by scouts and their families from both Cub Scout Pack and Boy Scout Troop 567.  The scouts participated in the service offering prayers, reading scriptures and sharing the Scout Law’s scriptural basis.  Everyone enjoyed a Hot Dog picnic after service with the support of...

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Holy Communion at The Fount in March

It is our practice to celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month, but in March we will be switching to the second Sunday.  Pastor Glen will be away on vacation and Beth Silvers will be preaching on March 4th, so we will celebrate Communion on Sunday, March...

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Youth Going to Camp!

This year youth will be attending a weekend winter camp. ​ Winter camp has historically been a time of transformative faith building for youth as they leave their families and are challenged to make decisions about their faith journey.  Some choose to follow Christ for the first time, some commit...

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