The Fount Account – Creative Ministry

I’ve been sharing my thoughts coming out of the pandemic regarding how we need to think about moving forward in ministry. I gave an overview of those thoughts here, and then expanded on those thoughts here, here, and here.   This week, I want to expand on my final thought...

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Worship on Easter Sunday!

This Sunday, April 17th, is Easter Sunday, the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! You are invited, and encouraged to invite others, to come and worship the Lord either in-person in the Sanctuary of The Fount, or online. As always, there will be wonderful...

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Engaging Our Neighbors

Two weeks ago, in my blog post (which you can read here – click on the blue underlined word “here” to be taken to the post), I wrote about what we have learned during the pandemic and how we, as a church, need to adapt our practices to meet the...

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Operation Christmas Child Boxes

It’s Time to Start Packing! We have Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes folded and ready for you to pack. Pick one up on Sunday or contact us to make arrangements to get one to you. This is such a fun way to spread the love and hope of Jesus to children....

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Thoughtful Thursday: Sermon Teaser

There is a reason that the first commandment God gives us is “You shall have no other gods before me.” This Sunday is the first in a series of three sermons titled, “A Tale of Two Kingdoms.” See sermon verses above.

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Thoughtful Thursday: Why is Maundy Thursday Significant?

Because Good Friday is such an important day in Holy Week, we often forget how significant the day before Christ’s crucifixion was. ~It’s on this day that Judas betrayed Jesus. ~It’s on this day that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as an example for them to be servants...

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A Christmas Worship Experience

This was a wonderful event on Friday, December 18th! You can watch a recording of it here. Christina Smith led us, with help from Kevin Nguyen and others. Song sheets were provided, and folks brought their own chairs, flashlights, warm clothing and Christmas spirit! Hot beverages were be provided. Hope...

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