Thoughtful Thursday: Why is Maundy Thursday Significant?

Because Good Friday is such an important day in Holy Week, we often forget how significant the day before Christ’s crucifixion was. ~It’s on this day that Judas betrayed Jesus. ~It’s on this day that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as an example for them to be servants...

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Have You Heard?

This Sunday, Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021, we will resume a full (“all the fixin’s”) in-person worship service at a new time. We will gather in the Sanctuary at 10:00 AM! The choir is preparing a special anthem. The worship team is working on some new music. The organ will...

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New Sunday Schedule Starts Easter!

Beginning Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021, The Fount will shift our Sunday morning schedule to reflect the new, more relaxed protocols. Our main worship service will occur at 10:00 AM in the Sanctuary. We can have up to 50 people, socially distanced (by households). The service will include all of...

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Easter Sunday at The Fount!

We are looking forward to worshipping with The Fount Family on Sunday, April 12th, Easter Sunday! We will have a Hymn Sing on 10:15 AM on Facebook Live, so tune in early and sing along with the worship leadership as we sing some of our favorite hymns. Submit your requests...

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