O Happy Day!

This Sunday, March 31st, is Easter! It’s the day of days, when we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus! It’s going to be an awesome day of worship (9:00 AM), egg hunt and brunch. Don’t miss it! And remember your church on Easter. Each year we take a special...

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What’s the Plan, Stan? – The Fount Account

As we move toward my retirement from the active ministry on July 1st, I wanted to convey to you what the leadership of The Fount is planning. As you already know, Pastor Paul Park has been taking on more and more responsibility at The Fount, having joined the staff on...

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Let’s Give Thanks, Together!

On Sunday, November 19th, we will join with the other congregations that meet on our campus for a very special combined Thanksgiving Worship Service at 10:30 AM. We will not have our regular 9:00 AM service that day. Combining with La Cima, Vietnamese Evangelical, and Free Life Community Churches will...

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