Summer Club With Good Shepherd Community Church

God works in amazing ways.  This Summer’s VBS has been on the calendar for several months.  Planning was in place and progress being made.  But unfortunate circumstances outside of our control made it all seem impossible. I thought we’d have to skip VBS this Summer.  Then I got a message...

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Memorial Service for Charity Anderson Stein

There will be a memorial service for Charity at The Fount (FVUMC) on Friday, June 24th at 11:00 am. Rev. Dr. John McFarland, assisted by Rev. Glen Haworth, will be leading the service. Charity is the daughter of Reed and Mary Anderson. There will be a potluck luncheon after the...

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Go BIG VBS 2016!

VBS this year will take place in our preschool and is for kids between 3 and 6 years old. We will play crazy games, do beautiful crafts and learn about God’s Big Story. Location: The Fount (FVUMC) Preschool Building Date & Time: August 8th-12th 9 am – noon Cost: $15 for materials   Call 714-962-2593...

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Gospel Swamp at The Fount!

Over the summer, we will be hosting a special, casual time of worship and testimonies on the fourth Saturdays of June, July and August.  We’ll gather in the patio outside of the Multiple Purpose Room at 7:00 PM to sing some songs of faith, share some scripture and share testimonies...

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New Church Name Unveiling

On Sunday, June 19th, we will be unveiling our new church name! Pastor Glen will be giving a sermon lifting up the imagery and meaning of the name, along with the reasoning for making the change. You won’t want to miss church this Sunday! The Awakening Hymn Sing starts at...

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Father’s Day in the Park: June 19th

Come and celebrate Father’s Day in a joint FVUMC and La Cima pot luck luncheon for the whole family directly after service on the front lawn. What a great way to fellowship with others and make some new friends while enjoying the beauty of God’s wonderful outdoors.

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Annual Conference June 16-18

The California-Pacific Annual Conference will convene at the University of Redlands on  June 16th.  Pastor Glen, along with our lay member,  Karen  Olson, will be in attendance. Our church will also be represented by Dennis Olson, who will go as the South District President of United Methodist Men. Pray for...

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Family Outing – Roller Skating

Come and join the other families on June 11th from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm at the Fountain Valley Skate center for roller skating. What a great way for the family to have some fun and enjoy fellowship with others! The address for the Skating Center is 9105 Recreation Circle,...

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