Holding Fast

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement in 18th century England, is famously quoted as having written: “I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America.  But I am afraid lest they should  only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power.  And this undoubtedly will be the case unless they hold  fast both the doctrine, spirit, and discipline with which they first set out.” John Wesley, “Thoughts Upon Methodism,”(1786) This quote has become something of a rallying cry for those of us orthodox, evangelical United Methodists who have witnessed...

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Preschool “Back to School” Night

The Fountain Valley United Methodist Preschool’s  annual “Back to School” night is scheduled for Tuesday, October 4th from 5:30–6:30 pm.  All are invited to come and check out the preschool and meet our outstanding teachers and staff.

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Expanding Communication

With our new Church Management System (ChMS), we are able to send out mass text messages, as well as emails and phone calls. Many people today prefer text messages to other forms of communication, and studies have shown that the more communication vehicles a church uses, the more likely the membership...

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The Big God Story Update

This year’s VBS for Preschool-aged children was so fun and  encouraging.  It’s amazing to see God at work in our members while they share God’s love with kids.  Fourteen children, many of whom are not regular church attenders came, experienced God’s love and learned that God wants them to be...

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Wesleyan Covenant Association

  The Wesleyan Covenant Association is a new group of orthodox United Methodists who want to see the church remain orthodox and adhere to the traditional doctrines and teachings of Christianity.  Pastor Glen is planning on attending the convening conference of the WCA on October 7th in Chicago. The purpose...

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New Mobile App for Church Members

With the introduction of our new Church Managements System (ChMS) update, Church Office Online, we also now have use of a mobile (phone) app through which you can access members’ addresses and contact information. This password-protected app uses the same sign in credentials you use to access the website:  (http://thefount.churchofficechms.com)....

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Making Disciples

It is no secret that God calls the church to make disciples of Jesus Christ. It is, in fact, our main calling.  But far too often we leave this important mission to others, primarily the pastor and/or church staff.  Sometimes we leave it to Sunday School teachers, or to those...

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The California-Pacific Conference (Cal-Pac) Receives New Bishop

At the recent Western Jurisdictional Conference it was decided to move Bishop Minerva Carcaño to the California-Nevada Conference and to assign to our annual conference, Bishop Grant Hagiya. Bishop Hagiya has spent the past eight years as the leader of the Greater Northwest Episcopal Area, presiding over the Alaska, Pacific...

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