Christmas Day Service

This year, Christmas Day falls on Sunday!  Since it is such a special day, our worship service on Christmas Day will be a little different.   First off, there will be no Sunday School during the service, so children are invited to join their families in worship. Second, we will form...

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Christmas Eve Service

This year, our Christmas Eve service will be a service of  Lessons and Carols.  The children will be helping to  reassemble the Nativity as we read the story leading up to Christ’s birth.  Concluding the service will be the traditional candle lighting! The service will be at 6:00 PM in...

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Messy Caroling and Carols, Cookies and Camaraderie!

Our next “Messy Church” aka “Messy Caroling” this month, will be on Friday December 16th and because of the combining of these two events,  we will now end at 9:00 PM instead of 8:00 PM.   We will be bagging cookies and going caroling in the neighborhood.  A meal will be...

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Preschool Christmas Sing!

Our preschool children will be presenting their annual “Christmas Sing” event on December 13th and 14th in the Sanctuary at 9:15 AM.  All are invited to come and see and hear these delightful children sing both popular songs as well as a well-know hymn or two.  What a great way...

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Parsonage Open House

Pastor Glen and Cyndy (and Nathan) Haworth invite you to an open house at their home (a.k.a. “The Parsonage”) on Sunday, December 11th.  Come by anytime between 4pm and 7pm.  Don’t bring anything, just yourselves and your holiday cheer! The Parsonage is located at 9662 Nightingale Ave., Fountain Valley. Call...

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Following Jesus in a Political World

One of the most important books that I read in seminary was titled The Politics of Jesus by John Howard Yoder.  In it Yoder dismisses the traditional view that Jesus was totally a-political, that He took no interest in, nor  interacted with, political matters.  Yoder, in contrast, says that Jesus...

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News From the United Methodist Men

The United Methodist Men (UMM) had a one-day retreat on Saturday, October 29th led by Pastor Glen Haworth.  The theme of the retreat was “Fishing for Men”.  A fun day was had by all in fellowship, learning some key elements of discipleship  with other men and families and personally growing...

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Advent Sermon Series

Pastor Glen will be giving a series of messages during Advent, using the Lectionary readings from Isaiah.  The series is titled “Advent Hope” and will focus on four areas of our hope:  Peace (November 27, Isaiah 2:1-5), Righteousness (Dec 4, Isaiah 11:1-10),  Joy (Dec 11, Isaiah 35:1-10),  and God-With-Us (Dec...

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Hanging of the Greens

You are invited to join in the “Hanging of the Greens” on Saturday, November 26th from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.   What a great way to kick off the holiday season by helping to decorate our church (Sanctuary) for Christmas. It is rumored that some snacks and hot chocolate may be available...

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