New Sermon Series: One Chapter Wonders

Pastor Glen will be giving a four-part series in July called “One Chapter Wonders” examining the four New Testament books that are only one chapter long.  Looking at Philemon, 2 John, 3 John and Jude, he will give the background for each and the essential message given through each.  These...

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Now Recruiting for The Fount Singers!

The Fount’s choir ministry, The Fount Singers, is looking to add to our ranks all who want to lift their voice in praise—beyond our time of communal worship!  You do NOT need to have vocal training or even think of yourself as a “singer,” You must just have a desire...

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Pastor Glen Out of Office

Following Annual Conference, Pastor Glen will be on vacation June 18-27th.  In his absence, pastoral needs will be shared by lay members of the church and clergy from other churches. Eaar Oden will be preaching on June 25th.    Please pray for good rest and refreshment for Pastor Glen while...

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Cal Pac Annual Conference June 14-17

The California-Pacific Annual Conference will convene at the University of Redlands on Wednesday, June 14th and adjourn on Saturday, June 17th.  Pastor Glen will be there, along with our lay member to annual conference, Karen Olson.  Dennis Olson will also be there as a South District member.  There are several...

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A Missionary Report

Madelyn Beltz, one of the missionaries The Fount supports, will be here on June 11th  to give a presentation during service sharing about MegaVoice and the Gulah language.  Madelyn’s missionary work is performed through Wycliffe Bible Translators.    She will be also available after service to answer any questions you may...

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Lopez Family Assistance Page

The Fount’s campus is blessed by the presence of so many wonderful preschool families every week. One such family is the Lopez family which lives just around the corner. Joey and Stephanie have two young children, Sienna and Zephyr. Recently Joey had a work related accident which caused serious injury...

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Why Pastor Glen Has Hope

With all of the stuff going on in our denomination, including disobedient clergy, conferences and jurisdictions, I still have hope that God is not done with the UMC yet.  In fact, I believe that the best years of our denomination are still ahead of us! How can I say this? ...

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Pentecost Sunday – June 4th

Pentecost Sunday is June 4th!  Remember to wear RED to church that day to help celebrate the day the Holy Spirit descended on the Church.  Pastor Glen will be bringing a message about the change in Simon Peter’s life from Maundy Thursday to Pentecost.  How has the Holy Spirit changed...

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Preschool Summer School Sessions

This year’s summer school is a two-week program beginning June 19th through June 30th. The theme for both weeks is “Science is Cool” and “Splish…Splash Water Fun”.  The summer school program is  designed for children ages 2.5  through 6 years old.  (Sorry, no children older than kindergarten may attend.)   Please...

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