Pentecost Sunday – June 4th

Pentecost Sunday is June 4th!  Remember to wear RED to church that day to help celebrate the day the Holy Spirit descended on the Church.  Pastor Glen will be bringing a message about the change in Simon Peter’s life from Maundy Thursday to Pentecost.  How has the Holy Spirit changed...

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Preschool Summer School Sessions

This year’s summer school is a two-week program beginning June 19th through June 30th. The theme for both weeks is “Science is Cool” and “Splish…Splash Water Fun”.  The summer school program is  designed for children ages 2.5  through 6 years old.  (Sorry, no children older than kindergarten may attend.)   Please...

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A Discussion of the Early Days of Methodism

David Worthington is the manager of John Wesley’s preaching chapel, The New Room in Bristol, England. The discussion is scheduled for May 25th  from 7:00-9:00  pm in the East Chapel.   Mr. Worthington will talk with us about the early days of Methodism as it spread through the south of England....

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Scout Open House

The scouts who meet regularly on our campus, troop 567 (boys ages 11 1/2 and up)  and pack 567 (boys ages 5-11),  will be hosting an open house on the front lawn of The Fount on May 21st from 1:00 to 2:00 pm.   Both the boys from the pack and...

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Mother’s Day Photo!

Celebrate your special relationship with your mom, child, and/or grandchild by having your picture taken by Mike Whitmore and the Photographic Society of Orange County on Sunday, May 14th immediately following service.  They will take a great picture, because after all YOU are in it!   Your photo will be sent...

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Vision 2020

Join us on Sunday, May 7th, as we launch our Vision 2020 campaign!  After worship we will have a “town hall” type of meeting where questions can be asked and answered and the list of projects explored.  The opportunity to make commitments (both financially and spiritually) to the on-going vision...

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God is Still God!

I write this during the time that the United Methodist Judicial Council (our “supreme court”) is considering several important matters regarding very divisive issues in our denomination, not the least of which is the election of a bishop who is a woman married to another woman.  I do not know...

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Interfaith Prayer Breakfast

The Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council will hold an interfaith prayer breakfast on Thursday,  May 4th at the Surf City United Methodist Church, 2721 Delaware Street, Huntington, CA.  The program will begin at 8:30 am with breakfast following.  This event’s keynote  speaker is Dr. Thomas A. Parham, Vice Chancellor of...

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