Parsonage Open House

Glen, Cyndy and Nathan Haworth invite The Fount family to their home for the annual Parsonage Open House on Sunday, December 10th.  Come any time between 3:00 and 6:00 PM and enjoy holiday hospitality, conversation, Christmas music and goodies!  The address of the parsonage is: 9662 Nightingale Ave., Fountain Valley.

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Advent Sermon Series

Pastor Glen will launch a sermon series entitled “What Child is This?” on December 3rd to begin the Advent season.  This series will prepare the congregation for Christmas and is based on a series of videos featuring major players in the Christmas story.  

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BCIS Angel Tree

We will be placing the Beach Cities Interfaith Services (BCIS) Angel Tree is in the narthex the week of November 13th.   Please feel free to take one or more of the angels which will have the age range (and whether the gift is for a boy or girl)  for a...

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Hanging of the Greens

Make plans to help us decorate the sanctuary for the upcoming Christmas holidays.  We will be  gathering on Friday evening, December 1st at 5:30 pm.  Those assisting will also enjoy a soup supper.  Please come and help us adorn the sanctuary in holiday splendor!  

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The Passing of Don Boger – Updated

We are saddened to announce the passing of Pastor Don Boger, former music and worship director at The Fount, and brother to Pastor Anthony Boger, former associate pastor and currently the pastor of our sibling congregation, Surf City Church in Huntington Beach. Pastor Don had been ill for some time,...

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Consecration Sunday, November 26th

This year, our annual Financial Campaign will be “Consecration Sunday.”  We will have testimonies of how God has blessed through giving and we will dedicate a percentage of our “produce” for the kingdom. As a culmination, there will be an all church catered luncheon on November 26th after worship, to...

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New Ministry For the United Methodist Men

The United Methodist Men (UMM) are beginning a new ministry to assist those in need in our community, and we need your help.  We are looking for opportunities to build, repair, paint, fix, install, clean, or whatever else it takes to help people who need those services.  This may include...

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