Messy Church Family Outing to Adventure Playground

Our second family outing replacing Messy Church during the summer is scheduled for July 7th and is a trip to the Adventure Playground in Irvine, 1 Beech Tree Lane, Irvine, CA 92612.  We will meet at 10:00 am.  Families can explore Adventure Playground’s many amenities, including: Tree house Sensory garden Climbing...

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A Firm Foundation, Part 2

If there is interest in offering a second study of the book,  A Firm Foundation, Pastor Glen would like to know.  Currently, the study is being offered on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM.  Perhaps there are some who would like to study the material but would prefer another day and/or...

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Preschool at The Fount Summer School

The Fount’s preschool will have a  two-week summer school program beginning Monday,  June 18th and continuing through  June 29th.  The theme for both weeks is “Science is Cool” and “Splish…Splash Water Fun”.   Please contact the preschool office with any questions and to check availability of space (phone 714-968-2834).

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Messy Church Summer Family Outing to the Fullerton Arboretum

Over the summer, Messy Church will be hosting family outings in lieu of Messy Church.  Our first outing is scheduled for  June 16th and is a Creation Walk at the Fullerton Arboretum,  1900 Associated Rd, Fullerton, CA 92831.  We will begin the walks at approximately  9:00 am and have the children/families identify...

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Annual Conference Meets June 13-16

The California-Pacific Annual Conference will meet at the University of Redlands once again this year (and perhaps for the last time) from Wednesday, June 13th, through Saturday, June 16th.  A proposal will come before the conference to move the annual conference to San Diego starting next year. Our lay member...

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New Sermon Series on 1 Peter

Starting June 24th, Pastor Glen will be preaching through the letter of First Peter. The sermon series is entitled “Faith for Difficult Times.” The early Christians faced unprecedented persecutions and hardships for their faith, not unlike many believers alive today in some parts of the world. And the struggle to...

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Moving Ahead

A couple of weeks ago, I shook up some folks in my sermon when I said that we, as a church, have been camped too long!  The reference was to the People of Israel in their 40-year sojourn in the wilderness after God set them free from Egypt in the...

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Voting Day at The Fount

The Fount will be a polling place for the statewide primary election on June 5th.  If you haven’t already signed up to help and have time available to  assist with either bringing food or manning the table outside the Multipurpose Room, please contact the church office.   

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Missions Report – Spotlight on Frontiers

Frontier Purpose:  “Declare HIS glory among the nations, HIS marvelous deeds among all peoples.” Frontier Mission:  Jesus for Muslims, because even the most uncharted frontiers need Christ. Dear Partner in Christ; It’s wonderful how God answers prayer and reminds us of HIS care and involvement in our lives.  In fact, prayer...

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