Karl Baumgardner to Preach September 23rd

While Pastor Glen and Ric Seaver are away at the New Room Conference in Nashville, our old friend, Karl Baumgardner will be preaching on Sunday morning, September 23rd!  Karl served as our Lay Leader for several years and he and his wife, Paulette, are members of the Surf City Church...

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New Room Conference

Pastor Glen (and Cyndy) and Ric Seaver (and Lety) are attending the New Room Conference this month, September 19-21 in Nashville, Tennessee.  The New Room Conference is for  Wesleyan Christians who long for and desire to experience a new Great Awakening in our time, a revival of faith and devotion to...

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Preschool at The Fount to Resume Classes

The Preschool at The Fount will host a “Meet the Teacher” orientation for  parents of registered preschool students on Friday, September 7th.   The fall session will begin on Monday, September 10th  for the  M/W/F and 5-day students and Tuesday, September 11th for the T/TH students. The annual fundraiser for the ...

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The Big God Story Recap

This year’s joint VBS was a huge success!  It was such a blessing to me to see the youth and adults from all three of the congregations on our campus work together to do something none of our churches could have done alone.  We expected around 30 kids but had...

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Parking at The Fount

With the parking lots at The Fount having been resurfaced and new lines painted, we would like to ensure that only those who have handicapped parking permits park in our designated handicapped parking spots. Also, as an encouragement to  visitors, please be considerate and do NOT park in the three...

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Bill and Glima Beverley

Bill and Glima Beverley celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on August 21st.  We were pleased to have them in church on Sunday,  August 26th to acknowledge this very special occasion.   The flowers on the alter  (and in the picture above) were seven long stemmed red roses, one for each decade...

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Our Friend and Sister, Pat Stoaks

It is my deepest sorrow to inform The Fount family that Pat Stoaks has passed away suddenly. She died peacefully at her home last night and was found this morning, August 29th. Our hearts are broken, and words seem so inadequate. But let The Word speak for and to us....

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Pastor Anthony Boger to Preach at The Fount

Former Associate Pastor of The Fount and former Pastor of Surf City Church,  Anthony Boger, will be with us on Sunday, September 2nd to give the morning message during our 10:30 AM worship service.  Afterward, we will join together in the Multipurpose Room to celebrate Pastor Anthony, thanking him for...

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Pastor to Go On Retreat

Pastor Glen will be taking a five-day spiritual retreat from August 27-31 at the Benedictine monastery in Valyermo (near Wrightwood).  During the retreat, he will be spending time in prayer, reading, contemplation and rest.  He will also engage with the monastic community there by attending the services offered five times...

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