Welcome Gerry and Cheryl McDaniel!
This past Sunday, March 7th, we were blessed to receive into Professing Membership Gerry and Cheryl McDaniel. The McDaniel’s come to us by transfer from Hope UMC in Torrance. They live in Stanton. Gerry and Cheryl have been active in the Cal-Pac Renewal group (now the Wesleyan Covenant Association) in...
Sunday’s Verse: Psalm 4 (metrical)
Our metrical Psalm for the third week of Lent is Psalm 4. We will be singing this version during both worship services on Sunday.
The Global Methodist Church Announced
The Transitional Leadership Council, a 17 member team of theologically conservative Methodists, has released information on the Global Methodist Church (www.globalmethodist.org). The council said the new church will officially come into existence when a United Methodist General Conference adopts the implementing legislation for the Protocol for Reconciliation and Grace through Separation. Alternatively, if...
You’re Invited!
The Fount will once again host the Spring Event for the California-Pacific Wesleyan Covenant Association. Saturday, March 6, 2021 is the date; 10am – 3pm is the time! The main speaker will be the Rev. Carolyn Moore, chairperson of the WCA Global Council and a UM pastor in Georgia. An...
Our Sister is With Jesus
The church office was notified on Sunday morning that Mercedes “Mercy” Friedrich passed away last Wednesday, February 17, 2021. Mercy has been sick for many of her 95 (almost 96) years! She has had dozens of surgeries. She has suffered much. We rejoice, now, that she is no longer in...
Join Us for Lent
This year, during Lent, you have the opportunity to engage with your friends at The Fount in several ways as we make our way to Easter! We’ll start things off with an Ash Wednesday service with the New Room Conference. This Wednesday, February 17th (Ash Wednesday) from 4:00 to 6:00...
Lenten Study Begins Ash Wednesday
This Lent we are going to be engaging with the study “Soundtrack: A Forty-day Playlist Through the Psalms” by J.D. Walt. The components are a daily devotional, a weekly online study, and a sermon series on Sunday, all keyed to the Psalms as we journey through Lent. The daily devotions...
This Sunday is Scout Sunday at The Fount!
As we do every year, this Sunday, February 14th, we will be celebrating the ministry of scouting at The Fount! Our BSA Troops (Boys and Girls) along with our Cub Scout Pack will be with us during both worship services to help us celebrate! We have sponsored BSA Troop 567...
Kendall McFarland is Getting Married!
Hi Fountain Valley Church family! I miss you all, and I wanted to share the joyous news that I am getting married on March 6th at 3:00pm, to Hayden Carlson! Due to the pandemic, we are going to live-stream our wedding. I would love it if you could join us...