Thoughtful Thursday: Gratitude, Continued…

I ended last year’s Thoughtful Thursday post with Gratitude and I’m going to begin this year’s post with Gratitude too. While it is human nature to be prideful and self-centered (and our culture heavily promotes it) I have noticed that the more self-absorbed I become, the more unhappy, unsatisfied, and...

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New Sermon Series: The Good Fight

Pastor Glen will begin a new sermon series called “The Good Fight” this Sunday, January 16th. 1 Timothy is one of the most important of the “Pastoral Epistles” in the New Testament (which also include 2 Timothy and Titus), in which Paul instructs (in this case) Timothy in how to...

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Hymn Sing This Sunday

Join us in-person at 9:45 AM this Sunday, January 9th, for our monthly Hymn Sing! Hymnals will be available or bring your own! Request your favorite hymns by number or name. We’ll sing in the New Year together!

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Un-Decorating the Sanctuary

It’s that time! Time to take down the Christmas decorations in the Sanctuary and put them away for another 11 months! As un-fun as un-decorating is, it has to be done! So come and help your church family this Saturday, January 8th, at 10am. Many hands make for light work!...

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Come Help Un-Decorate!

With the holidays over, it is time to UN-decorate the Sanctuary at The Fount! We will be doing so on Thursday, January 5th, at 6:00 PM. Ric Seaver will be coordinating, so come and lend a hand (many hands make light work!). Hopefully, we’ll be done within an hour. Thank...

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Prayer Walk Sunday January 2nd!

Because we are starting a new year and because of the recent vandalism of the church windows, we are going to prayer walk the property after worship Sunday, January 2nd. Cyndy Haworth will be leading, as we walk the property, praying and giving it over to God for protection and...

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Let Us Renew Our Covenant

Sunday, January 2, 2022, is the first Sunday of the New Year! Our tradition is to renew our covenant to the Lord on the first Sunday of a new year, so come and join together with The Fount family as we engage in this Wesleyan tradition! The “sermon” portion of...

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A Letter from Rev. Mugabi

GRACE OF GOD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH P.O. BOX 637 IGANGA  MUNICIPALITY,  UGANDA. December 22, 2021 REF : CHRISTMAS GREETINS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR Dear FOUNT CHURCH, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, we congratulate you to reach to this day of victory of the birth of Jesus Christ. It...

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Thoughful Thursday: Christmas Gratitude

It’s the official season of LOVE, HOPE, JOY & PEACE, but for me it’s just as much about GRATITUDE. GRATITUDE that God LOVES us so much that he sent his son into the world to reconcile us with him. GRATITUDE for the HOPE that the birth of Christ gives us....

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