Giving Intentional Attention to God – The Fount Account
Recently I have become aware that the blessings in my life have been getting much more of my attention than my God who provided them. It’s not that I have not been grateful to him, it’s just that his presence seemed distant because he had not been getting the priority...
Take Time to Rest – The Fount Account
This week I am taking some long-overdo vacation time. I’m not going anywhere, so I guess it is called a “stay-cation”! Sometime in January I realized that I had a lot of unused vacation time that I needed to take before the end of June, so I scheduled this 9-day...
The Champion
On this Monday after Easter, I want to share with you a classic (in a modern sense) “song” that came out in 2001 by the late Carmen (born Carman Licciardello) called “The Champion”. It is worth experiencing again as it tells the Easter story in very dramatic fashion. I hope...
Maundy Thursday Service
We will gather this evening at 7:00 PM for a very moving service for Maundy Thursday. The service includes communion, remembering the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples in the Upper Room. And then we will experience a Service of Tenebrae (darkness), wherein the Passion (suffering) story of Jesus...
Update on Disaffiliation – The Fount Account
I wanted to bring The Fount Family up to date on our efforts to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church. This process began officially when the Church Conference voted unanimously to disaffiliate back on October 19, 2022. It is now April, 2023, and the property appraisal has been done. But...
Join Us for Holy Week!
This year, our Holy Week schedule is as follows: PALM SUNDAY – April 2 – Worship at 9:00 AM, Palm Parade at 10:20 AM. EASTER WORSHIP NIGHT – April 2 – Worship the Lord who is Worthy! – 6:00 PM (in-person only) MAUNDY THURSDAY – April 6 – Communion and Tenebrae...
Worship Night Palm Sunday!
Join us (in-person only, no live stream) this Sunday evening for a special night of worship at The Fount. Starting at 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary, we will sing and celebrate the Lamb of God, Who is Worthy! Using familiar hymns and worship songs, this will be a night to...
Join Us for the Parade!
This coming Sunday, April 2, 2023, is Palm Sunday. As has become our tradition here at The Fount, we will enjoy a celebrative parade around the front lawn, waving palm branches and singing “Hosanna!”. But this year, we will do so AFTER our worship service! So that brothers and sisters...