VBS is Next Week!

This year’s Vacation Bible School will be next week, Tuesday, August 15th through Friday, August 18th, from 5:30 to 8:30 PM each evening. The theme this year is “Adventure Island” and all four congregations on our campus will be participating. We are expecting a good turnout! Each evening will begin...

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Staying in the Word – The Fount Account

One of the hardest struggles I have had in my life of walking with Jesus has been to develop and maintain a substantial discipline of staying in the Word. I know that might shock some, since, as a pastor, all I have to do is preach once a week! So,...

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Men’s Breakfast

Join us at 9am this Saturday, August 12th for fellowship & food. Men from all four congregations are invited. We hope to see you there!

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Intergenerational Support – The Fount Account

Intergenerational Support in the Congregation and Further In the times of church attendance decline that we see across the nation and globe, the amount of younger generational people who are transitioning away from organized religion as a whole, and the many people who embark on the process of “deconstructing” their...

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NPR Story on Our Disaffiliation

Pastor Glen was interviewed for a National Public Radio (NPR) story that aired this morning. You can listen to and/or read the story by clicking here: Congregations leave United Methodist Church over defiance of LGBTQ bans : NPR Keep praying. All of this publicity is bringing out supporters as well as...

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Praying Without Ceasing – The Fount Account

If you’re like me, Paul’s cryptic verse in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 has always confounded you. “Pray without ceasing” says Paul. Now, to be clear, this phrase is in the middle of a longer sentence that says, in full, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this...

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Dealing with Stress – The Fount Account

The Church Council, at its meeting on July 16th, approved a proposal to grant me two consecutive days off each week. Many may not be aware that pastors are typically only given one day off a week. Contrary to the popular “belief” that pastors only work one day a week!...

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Mission Potluck – July 23rd

The Fount Family will gather for a potluck supper and mission report from a very special mission family in our midst. Come and enjoy good home cooking and some take-out as well! The event will happen on Sunday, July 23, 2023, starting at 6:00 PM in the Multipurpose Room. More...

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Keeping On – The Fount Account

Last week was a really busy week with a lot of press coverage of our disaffiliation plight and follow-up contacts. This week, I’m hoping things will quiet down somewhat. It is good to have publicity and perhaps add some pressure to our annual conference to negotiate an exit route that...

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