Horizon Pregnancy Clinic Campaign

It’s time for our annual Horizon Pregnancy Clinic Fundraiser (Between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day) On Sunday, you can grab a baby bottle to fill with change, cash or a check or give using the QR code above. Thank you for your support of this beautiful ministry.

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Women’s Spring Brunch – May 18th

Women from all congregations and their friends are invited to join us for a spring brunch. We will share a time of fellowship, food and worship and Sonia will speak about “Spring Cleaning” (spiritually & literally). A sign-up sheet will be circulated during the services on Sunday or you can...

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Discouraged – The Fount Account

I have been discouraged lately. In politics, social media, schools, and even in churches, cultural wars have broken out and I cannot picture how peace will prevail. Health issues with friends and family and issues related to disaffiliation compound the discouragement. I want to fix things that are mostly out...

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Community Service Day – April 20th

The Fount Church has been selected to be recipients of a service project by the Greater HB Interfaith Council. On that day, volunteers from the community will be here to paint the gazebo. Some minor repairs are already underway by one of our former Welcome Home volunteers, Frank Wilson. There will...

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Love (and Honor) One Another – The Fount Account

Good afternoon to The Fount Family, and Happy Monday, I decided to do this blog post on the verse of the day from the Bible App. It comes from Romans 12:10- “love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor.” This verse sounds so simple to do,...

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The Fount Account – In the Name of…

If you’ve been in church for a while, you’re probably pretty familiar with the phrase “In the name of the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit”. Those words are used in several different contexts, but we probably hear them most when seeing someone be baptized. Our mission statement at...

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The Spirit of Herod – The Fount Account

When I was a young adult, my father warned me to be aware that “The Spirit of Herod” was trying to steal the joy of Christmas from me. That warning really impacted me because my father had never in all my life ever spoken of any spirit of evil having an influence...

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Women’s Christmas Tea is THIS Saturday!

If you plan on attending the Women’s Christmas Tea, please review all of the information above. To sign up to bring food, click HERE or call the church office to sign up. We hope to see you at this fun day of fellowship!

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