I Have a Confession

I had all the right intentions to preach a series of sermons on worship during the month of August. God has been dealing with me for quite a while that I needed to get into the subject of worship for The Fount and flesh out some of the biblical concepts...

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A Missionary Report

Madelyn Beltz, one of the missionaries The Fount supports, will be here on June 11th  to give a presentation during service sharing about MegaVoice and the Gulah language.  Madelyn’s missionary work is performed through Wycliffe Bible Translators.    She will be also available after service to answer any questions you may...

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Why Pastor Glen Has Hope

With all of the stuff going on in our denomination, including disobedient clergy, conferences and jurisdictions, I still have hope that God is not done with the UMC yet.  In fact, I believe that the best years of our denomination are still ahead of us! How can I say this? ...

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