One Door Closes – The Fount Account

This past Saturday, November 11th, the California-Pacific Annual Conference met in a special called session. The agenda was short: (1) Approve a budget for 2024, and (2) Vote on churches seeking to disaffiliate from the UMC. The Fount was not one of the churches voted on for disaffiliation. Because the...

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NPR Story on Our Disaffiliation

Pastor Glen was interviewed for a National Public Radio (NPR) story that aired this morning. You can listen to and/or read the story by clicking here: Congregations leave United Methodist Church over defiance of LGBTQ bans : NPR Keep praying. All of this publicity is bringing out supporters as well as...

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Vicarious Joy, Actual Distress

Pastor Glen was asked to write the article for this week’s Outlook, the weekly newsletter of the Wesleyan Covenant Association. This publication reaches 19,000 subscribers worldwide! The topic is the difficult process of disaffiliation in the California-Pacific Annual Conference. You can read the article here:  Vicarious Joy, Actual Distress – Wesleyan...

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Disaffiliation Blocked – The Fount Account

I write this in the aftermath of the meeting of the California-Pacific Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, meeting in Los Angels June 14-17, 2023. During the session, attempts were made by myself and your Lay Leader, Ted Smith, to ask the bishop and the conference trustees to reconsider...

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This Week is Annual Conference

This coming Thursday-Saturday, June 17-19, is the sessions of the California-Pacific Annual Conference. Ordinarily, the sessions would be held at the University of Redlands, but this year, again, they will be online via Zoom. The Fount will send four lay persons to annual conference this year. Ted Smith is our...

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