You Ain’t Getting My Garden

Our former associate pastor and friend, Pastor Anthony Boger will be preaching at The Fount this Sunday, July 7th, at 10:30.  Anthony is a faithful servant and powerful speaker.  We are looking forward to seeing him again and hearing what God has to say through his sermon.

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This is not Your Battle

Sonia Perez will present the message this Sunday, June 29th at 10:30am. Sonia is a gifted preacher, a La Cima leader, our friend and she leads the young adult Sunday school class.

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It’s a Matter of Focus

Our friend and former lay leader, Karl Baumgardner will be sharing the message this Sunday, the 23rd at 10:30 am.  Come welcome Karl back to The Fount and hear what insight he has to bring.

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Luncheon For Beth Silvers – June 29th

Our Lay Leader and friend, Beth will be moving in July.  See the balloon invitation for more information about the luncheon we are having in her honor.  Though she will be back to visit, we will miss seeing her here every week and having her as our lay leader.  Come...

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This Little Light of Mine…

Our Lay Leader and friend, Beth Silvers will be sharing the message at our service on Sunday. We are blessed to hear from her one more time before she moves. Come hear Beth preach from 1 Corinthians and see how it applies to each one of us.

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God’s Book and Facebook

Reverend Kenneth Nehrbass speaks about: God’s Book and Facebook. This Sunday’s guest preacher is no stranger to The Fount. Ken Nehrbass grew up in this church and has served as a pastor, a missionary and college professor. Come hear him speak about the use of social media from a kingdom...

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Pastor Glen’s Sabbatical

Pastor Glen’s Sabbatical Is Here! A spiritual sabbatical is about removing the busyness of life and standing still in the Lord. It is about intentionality and it is about receptiveness to the Lord. Our church is blessed to have a pastor who strives to live this way every day. We...

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Come Hear WCA Speaker

As a congregational member of the Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA), The Fount family is invited to come to Redlands during Annual Conference to hear the WCA speaker, Rev. Kenneth Levingston. He will be speaking at the Friday evening, June 14th, WCA Dinner and the Saturday morning, June 15th, WCA Breakfast....

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Who Is This Man?

Beginning this Sunday, Pastor Glen will be preaching a series of messages titled “Who Is This Man?” We celebrated His Resurrection on Easter, but Who is Jesus? Over the course of four Sundays, we’ll hear how Jesus is: “Sin-Forgiver” (Luke 5:17-26) “Wind-Controller” (Mark 4:35-41) “Curiosity-Inspirer” (Luke 9:7-9) “Crowd-Confuser” (Matthew 21:1-11)....

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Welcoming New Members to The Fount

Our newest members, Ted and Nina Smith are long-time Methodists who became interested in The Fount through our connection to The Wesleyan Covenant Association, where Ted serves as the secretary. Ted is an attorney for the City Attorney’s Office in Pasadena. Nina retired from the Air Force and now enjoys...

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