FVUMP (Preschool) Set to Re-Open

Our outstanding preschool is set to re-open in September.  The staff will host their annual “Meet and Greet”  for the families  of children who will be attending our preschool this year on Friday September 8th.  Classes will begin for the MWF/5 day students on Monday, September 11th, and for the...

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Vision 2020 Update

Plans are moving along in our Vision 2020 campaign to prepare the church for ministry in 2020 and beyond!  If you haven’t yet turned in a pledge card for the campaign, call the church office or pick up a Vision 2020 brochure in the Narthex of the Sanctuary. The first...

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New Bible 101 Class

A new class for those unfamiliar with the Bible, or who want a refresher course. This 10-week survey course will take participants through all the major themes of the Bible and give them a clear over-view of the one Book with which all Christians should be familiar. Both the Old...

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I Have a Confession

I had all the right intentions to preach a series of sermons on worship during the month of August. God has been dealing with me for quite a while that I needed to get into the subject of worship for The Fount and flesh out some of the biblical concepts...

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Signs of the Times Sermon Series

Pastor Glen will be starting a four-part sermon series on August 6th called “Signs of the Times.” No, it isn’t about the Second Coming! It is about some very important things about Christian discipleship (following Jesus), using road signs as the launching pad. He will unpack such things as One...

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Joe Dallas to Speak at Men’s Breakfast

At the August 5th monthly Men’s Breakfast, the special guest will be Joe Dallas. Joe is a Pastoral Counselor, author, and speaker. He founded Genesis Biblical Solutions of Tustin, CA, and regularly addresses conferences and churches nationwide. His daily blog, Joe Dallas Online, can be found here. At our Men’s Breakfast, Joe...

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Preschool News

The preschool ended the school year with family picnics on the back lawn Tuesday and Wednesday, June 13 & 14.  The children enjoyed playing together and having popsicles!   The two-week summer school program began Monday, June 19th, so it was a short break for the teachers. This school year was...

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Reflections on the Cal-Pac Annual Conference

Having just completed the sessions of the California-Pacific Annual Conference, I wanted to share some of my reflections.  As most of you know, annual conference can be a rather difficult time for traditional, orthodox United Methodists like myself.  I’m thankful that Karen Olson, our Lay Member, and Dennis Olson, a...

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Celebrating Pastor Glen Haworth

Glen’s mission is:  “To faithfully serve God by being an excellent pastor, preacher, spiritual guide and administrator.”   Pastor Glen completed his 35th year in active full-time ministry as of June 30, 2017.  He received his BA, Religious Studies from San Diego State and his Masters of Divinity from Wesley...

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