Flag Retirement Ceremony

Cub Scout Pack 567 will be  performing a flag retirement ceremony on the front lawn of The Fount on June 14th (National Flag Day) at 7:00 pm.  The public is invited to attend this ceremony and bring their old flag they wish to have retired.   If  you are unable to...

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Rev. John Farley Visit to The Fount Canceled

The Rev. Dr. John Farley, District Superintendent of our South District, was scheduled to be “in residence” at The Fount on Monday, May 20th.  He has had to cancel his visit because he will be meeting with pastors in transition to new appointments.  As always, however, Rev. Farley would be happy...

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Blast Off With Cub Scouts!

Pack 567 that meets at The Fount welcomes all boys in K-4th grades and their families to come and learn more about the pack’s exciting cub scout program.  They are hosting a Stomp Rocket Launch on May 20th from 1:00 – 2:00 pm on the front lawn of The Fount....

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Peace Officers Day

May 15th has been designated as Peace Officers Day.  We will be flying our flag at half staff that day to honor  those officers who have died or have been disabled in the line of duty.  

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Jury Duty for Pastor

Just so you know that pastors are not immune from civic responsibilities, Pastor Glen has been summoned for possible jury service between May 7th and 18th.  If he is required to report, he will not be in the office or available until after court lets out.  Call the church office before...

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St. Jude Hospital Trike-A-Thon

The preschool is hosting  a St. Jude  Trike-A-Thon on  Wednesday, May 9th.  All students are invited to bring their trikes or bikes and ride in the Trike-A-Thon.   All riders must wear a helmet in order to  participate.  The Trike-A-Thon will begin at 9:15 AM in the church parking lot.  All...

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I Remember When

I cannot tell you how many times people have started out with those words (“I remember when…”) to tell me about the history of this church and its many remarkable people and programs over the years! It usually centers around the numbers of people involved in the church, and the...

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Voting Days at The Fount

We are still looking for one or two people to help run our hospitality table at the June 5th Election Day as The Fount is once again a polling place.  You don’t have to spend the whole day here – you can have others take turns handling it, but we...

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The Men of the Fount Annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

Mark Your Calendars “Busy” for Saturday, May 12, 2018, 8:00 am to 10:00 am The annual Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast to benefit United Methodist Men’s activities will be held again this year on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend (May 12, 2018) from 8:00 to 10:00 am. Tickets are available on Sunday mornings.  Thanks in advance for...

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