Cal-Pac WCA Spring Gathering at The Fount

On Saturday, March 2nd, from 10:30am to 3pm, The Fount will be hosting the Cal-Pac WCA Spring Gathering.   Come early for coffee, pastries & fellowship. After a time of stirring worship, Reverend Keith Boyette, President of the Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA) will speak about the recently concluded Special General...

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Preparing for General Conference

Searching for a Way Forward by Keith Boyette The journey which began at the 2016 General Conference with the rejection of The Third Way Plan (an earlier version of the One Church Plan) by delegates in legislative committees to the 2019 special General Conference is approaching its conclusion. Petitions now...

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Prayer Vigil for General Conference

As General Conference unfolds over the weekend, our congregation will be able to follow events through livestream and social media. Some may desire peaceful, prayerful community. Our annual conference is offering a 24-Hour Prayer Vigil online and by phone:  From Sunday, February 24, 2019 at 1:00 pm until Monday, February 25,...

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Join us for Lunch

Sunday, February 10th, following the Scout Sunday Service, our Men’s Group will be lighting up the BBQ and serving us lunch. Everyone is welcome to stay and enjoy a free lunch while getting to know one another and celebrating our ministry with Scouts.

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Scouting at The Fount & Scout Sunday

Take a look at page 12 of the February edition of Fountain Valley Living and you will see how busy scouts have been here at The Fount. It features Eagle Scout Daniel Fisher, who began here as a Cub Scout and recently earned his Eagle rank in our Boy Scout...

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Understanding the General Conference Plans

Most of you are aware that there will be a special General Conference next month in St. Louis. The United Methodist Church will confront and (hopefully) put to rest any confusion on where it stands with regards to the issues of human sexuality. From February 23-26, 2019, over 800 delegates,...

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Wesley Covenant Renewal Service

On the first Sunday of the New Year, The Fount will be once again participating in the traditional “Wesley Covenant Renewal Service” established by John Wesley to help all Methodists renew their commitment to following the Lord radically and faithfully. It’s a kind of “New Years Resolution” that we all...

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Send Help to Victims of Recent Wild Fires

You can help the victims of the recent and current wild fires in California by sending or bringing a check to The Fount, marking it “Wild Fires” or by going online and designating your gift for “Domestic Disaster Relief – UMCOR.” All of the funds you give will go directly...

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Life Groups Forming at The Fount

Beginning shortly after the first of the year, The Fount will be launching our version of Wesleyan/Methodist class meetings, called “Life Groups.” The leadership of the church has concluded a study of class meetings and has decided to launch three class meetings, which we will call Life Groups. They will...

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Church Moves to Single-Board Governance

The Church Council of The Fount has decided to reduce the number of committees in the church. Going forward, at least for a trial period, all church business will be handled in the monthly meeting of the Church Council. The membership of the Church Council has been expanded to include...

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