• We’re Hiring – Music Ministry Director

    If you know of any potential candidates, please share this information. Click for a detailed job description.

  • Sunday Worship Info – October 20th

    Sunday School for children resumes this Sunday! Message Pastor Jennifer will preach “Qualified to Serve” from Hebrews 7:23-28 Worship with us at 9am In-person OR on Facebook Live, HERE Music Christina will lead worship: As the Deer, Available, & Worthy of It All into chorus of I Give You My Heart Hannah will present an offertory on the organ Our hymns will be: #398 Jesus Calls Us #396 O Jesus,...

  • Farewell Lunch for Christina

    Christina’s music ministry has been a blessing to The Fount for over four years, but she will be moving on at the end of the month. We will be having a send off, including a light lunch after worship on October 27th. Be there to let her know how much her singing...

  • Sunday Worship Info – October 13th

    Message Lay Leader, Ted Smith will preach “Jesus, Both Fully Divine and Fully Human” from Hebrews 1:13, Hebrews 2:17 & Philippians 2:6-8 Worship with us at 9am In-person OR on Facebook Live, HERE Music Christina will lead worship: Holy Forever, Living Hope & I Speak Jesus Christina will also sing the offertory: “Sound Mind“ Our  hymns will be:...

  • Sunday Worship Info – October 6th

    ~World Communion Sunday~ Message Pastor Jennifer will preach “Life Altering Grace” The final sermon in a three-part Grace series Romans 2:4 & Romans 5:1-8 Worship with us at 9am In-person OR on Facebook Live, HERE Music Christina will lead worship: You Keep on Getting Better, King of Kings & I Worship You Almighty God Hannah will present the offertory: God is...

  • The Fount Account – Getting to Know Your Pastor

    Dear Family of Christ at The Fount, I wanted to say hello and share again how honored I am to be called by God to be your Pastor in this season. You have been warm and kind to me and my family. Thank you! I pray that as we get...

  • Sunday Worship Info – September 29th

    Message Theodore “Ted” Smith will preach “Saving Grace” The 2nd in a three-part Grace series Psalm 103:10-12 & Romans 5:1-8 Worship with us at 9am In-person OR on Facebook Live, HERE Music Christina will lead worship: Set Free, What He’s Done & Goddness of God Trevor will lead the choir offertory: And Can it Be? Our...

  • Farewell Lunch for Trevor

    Trevor’s music ministry has been a blessing to The Fount for over six years.  Stay after church on Sunday for a light lunch and to let Trevor know how much his musical gifts have been appreciated and will be missed. Be sure to be in church for his final choir...

  • Sunday Worship Info – September 22nd

    Message Pastor Jennifer will preach “Preceding Grace” The first of a three-part Grace series John 6:44 & Romans 5:1-8 Worship with us at 9am In-person OR on Facebook Live, HERE Music Christina will lead worship: Here I Am To Worship, What A Beautiful Name It Is, & I Surrender Our hymns will be: #365 Grace Greater...

  • Introducing…Pastor Jennifer Burns

    Rev. Jennifer Burns is a passionate follower of Christ who longs for more people to experience his transformative love. She has a BA in Psychology from Ohio Wesleyan University and an MDiv from Wesley Theological Seminary specializing in Emerging Ministries.         She became an Ordained Elder in...