God Showed Up at General Conference!

The news from Portland at the recently concluded General  Conference of our denomination is mostly good, from the perspective of orthodox, biblical United Methodists! Here is a short list of the notable decisions made. We successfully completed the “Imagine No Malaria” campaign, raising over $75 million to eradicate this deadly disease...

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The Seven Churches of Revelation

Beginning this Sunday, Pastor Glen will give a series of sermons on the Seven Churches of Revelation, found in Revelation 2-3. The series will focus on one of the seven churches each week: May 22nd: Ephesus (Rev. 2:1-7), June 5th: Smyrna (Rev. 2:8-11), June 12th: Pergamum (Rev. 2:12-17), June 26th: Thyatira (Rev. 2:18-29), July...

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Preschool Participating in St. Jude TRIKE-A-THON

On May 18th at 9:00 a.m., The Fountain Valley UM Preschool will hold their St. Jude TRIKE-A-THON.  This is an important event where the  children bring their bikes, trikes or scooters to school and raise money for the St. Jude Children’s Hospital.  The children cannot wait for the opportunity to...

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Pentecost Sunday

Sunday, May 15th, is Pentecost Sunday!  It is the day we remember the Holy Spirit’s empowering of the early Church by filling the Christians to BE the Church.  As a way to mark the day, please come to church dressed in red.  Red is the liturgical color for Pentecost.  

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General Conference – What Can We Do?

The quadrennial gathering of the world-wide United Methodist  family will happen this month, May 10-20, in Portland, Oregon. Nearly 900 delegates and many more observers and support people will convene to consider options in moving our denomination forward for the next four years. Everyone is expecting an even more contentious...

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New Choir Starting at Fountain Valley!

A new adult choir will begin practicing this Wednesday, May 4th, at 7:30 PM in the Sanctuary. Jonathan Kupper (jonathan@fountainvalleyumc.org) will be rehearsing the small but enthusiastic group of singers with music from his own library as well as the vast library at the church. If you are interesting in...

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Celebrating Ted McFarland’s Ministry

This Sunday, May 1st, the FVUMC family will be celebrating the ministry of Ted McFarland. Ted has served as our paid Youth Pastor for the past year and a half, and volunteer Youth Director for several years prior to that. He and his new wife, Katrina, will be moving to...

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Support for Lauren Miljas

Lauren Miljas (former member of FVUMC) is traveling to Kenya on June 13-22, 2016 with the NEXT Worldwide organization. If you are interested in supporting Lauren, either monetarily or through prayer, and need further information, please go to the NEXT Worldwide organization webpage, NEXTworldwide.org, “Give to a Trip Participant” and...

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