November Messy Church

Our next “Messy Church” will be on Friday November 18th.  (Please see the details below.)   Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-16) was the theme of our October Messy Church.  A great meal was enjoyed by everyone before Pastor Glen led us in a couple of songs and everyone joined in exploring their...

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Church Charge Conference

Our annual congregation meeting, called the “Church Charge Conference” is scheduled for Tuesday, November 15th at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary.  We will be deciding on important matters, including the pastor’s compensation package for 2017, church leadership, budget and policy.  In addition, we will receive reports from the various church...

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Election Day Prayer Vigil

On Election Day, November 8th, our Sanctuary will be open for anyone to come and pray for awakening in America and the world. This is not about politics or candidates, it is about praying and sowing the seeds of revival in our land. There will be printed prayer guides available...

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What To Do? Pray!

This is THE most frustrating election season of my life!  If you’re like me, there isn’t any candidate running for office (whether it be president, senator or city council) that I can get really excited about and support whole heartily. And the vitriol! Lord, have mercy! So what is a...

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Operation Christmas Child

We have started collecting shoe boxes for this charity.  All boxes should be received no later than November 11th.  Be sure to include $7.00 in each box for shipping and handling.  The age groups for the children are:  2-4, 5-9 and 10-14.  Please indicate on the top of the box...

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Preschool Trunk or Treat October 31st

The preschool’s annual Trunk or Treat event will be held on Monday, October 31st at 11:25 am in the back parking lot of The Fount Church.  Come and see the children dressed up and enjoying this event as they visit the various “trunks” to see how they are decorated!  

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