February Messy Church

This month’s Messy Church is scheduled for February 17th at 6:00 pm.  A reminder, we will provide the entrée and you are asked to bring a side dish. If you have not attended one of these services,  you should consider coming to one.  They are great fun for the whole...

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Angel Tree Gifts for BCIS

This year our preschool joined The Fount in this wonderful program.  Beach Cities Interfaith Services (BCIS) provides a place for parents in Orange County who can’t afford to buy presents for their children for Christmas to come and shop and pick out presents for them.  The Fount has supported this...

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Vision 2020

The Church Council has approved a campaign to raise funds for capital improvements at The Fount.  The campaign will be called “Vision 2020” and will be launched in February 2017 and last for three years. Members of the church family will be invited to make commitments toward the campaign to...

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The Fount Joins the Wesleyan Covenant Association

At its December 11, 2016 meeting, the Church Council of The Fount voted to join the Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA) as a church member.  We are the first congregation in our annual conference (perhaps in the entire Western Jurisdiction) to affiliate with the WCA! As you know, the WCA is...

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What of 2017?

Can you believe that it is already the New Year?!   So many things are happening, and so quickly. Our church recently became a charter member of the Wesleyan Covenant Association so we will be networking with others in this conference and throughout the connection, watching closely the actions at...

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New Year’s Day Service

This year New Year’s Day falls on Sunday and we will be experiencing once again the John Wesley Covenant Service of Recommitment.  It is traditional for Methodists through the ages to recommit their lives to Jesus Christ at or near the start of a New Year.  Since it begins on...

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Church Office Closure

The church will be totally closed from Monday, December 26th (holiday) through Thursday, December 29th.  There will be no meetings and the office will be closed.  In an emergency, call Pastor Glen’s cell phone: 909-762-9211.  

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Christmas Day Service

This year, Christmas Day falls on Sunday!  Since it is such a special day, our worship service on Christmas Day will be a little different.   First off, there will be no Sunday School during the service, so children are invited to join their families in worship. Second, we will form...

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Christmas Eve Service

This year, our Christmas Eve service will be a service of  Lessons and Carols.  The children will be helping to  reassemble the Nativity as we read the story leading up to Christ’s birth.  Concluding the service will be the traditional candle lighting! The service will be at 6:00 PM in...

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