Lenten Study: Altar’d

This year during Lent, we will be offering a 6-week study using a new book from Seedbed called Altar’d: The Transforming Power of Surrender, by Susan O. Kent. Altars have always represented change. They are the places where sacred space meets our surrender and leads into authentic spiritual transformation. From...

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Join Us This Evening (Feb. 14th)

The Fount will join with Free Life Community Church to share our traditional Ash Wednesday Service this evening, Februarty 14th, at 7:00 PM. It will be in-person only (no live stream). It is a service of confession and repentance and the imposition of ashes. It is a solemn way to...

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Taking Care of Business – The Fount Account

Next week, Cyndy’s and my family will be taking care of an important element of life: saying “goodbye” to a loved one. We humans need closure, and we need to properly and ritually say “goodbye” to someone we love who has died. Three years ago, Cyndy’s brother, Don Brainerd, died...

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Mission, Vision, Values – The Fount Account

Growing up as a 3rd generation pastor’s kid. I have seen, experienced, and critiqued what it means to be a Christian. I’ve worshiped in a conservative Korean setting where sticking to the rules and having good behavior was the model of a good Christian. I’ve also served and led in...

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Beginning Lent Right

On Wednesday, February 14th (Ash Wednesday), we will be joining with other congregations on campus to observe the beginning of the season of Lent. Our Ash Wednesday Worship will include writing our sins on slips of paper and nailing them to the cross. Then, we will burn those slips of...

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Sanctity of Human Life – The Fount Account

51 years ago today, on January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court of the United States made a horrendous mistake in declaring a “constitutional right” that is no where in the Constitution. Under the guise of “privacy”, the court ruled that a woman had a “right” to kill her unborn baby,...

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Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

This Sunday, January 21, 2024, is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, a day when we celebrate the sacredness of all human life, born and unborn. Come and worship with your church family as we lift up the sanctity of all human life!

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The Fount Account – In the Name of…

If you’ve been in church for a while, you’re probably pretty familiar with the phrase “In the name of the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit”. Those words are used in several different contexts, but we probably hear them most when seeing someone be baptized. Our mission statement at...

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