Interfaith Prayer Breakfast

The Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council will hold an interfaith prayer breakfast on Thursday,  May 4th at the Surf City United Methodist Church, 2721 Delaware Street, Huntington, CA.  The program will begin at 8:30 am with breakfast following.  This event’s keynote  speaker is Dr. Thomas A. Parham, Vice Chancellor of...

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Community Service Day

April 29th has been designated Community Service Day in Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley.  There will be volunteers on campus to assist with the Welcome Home program as well as doing work around the church grounds.  You can check out the planned projects on  

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You Are Invited to The Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)

BSF is an in-depth, interdenominational Bible study that helps people know God and equips them to effectively serve the church through out the world.  In 1,100 classes in 39 countries, people of all ages, races and cultures participate in  BSF, whether they are discovering God’s Word for the first time or have studied...

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New Sermon Series on the Lord’s Prayer

After Easter, Pastor Glen will be giving a series of sermons based on the Lord’s Prayer (from Matthew 6 and Luke 11).  The series, titled “Our Father”, will begin on April 23rd and conclude on May 28th. Is the Lord’s Prayer a pattern for prayer, given by Jesus, for the...

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Congregational Meeting This Sunday

The Physical Resources Team (PRT, Trustees and Finance) is seeking input from the congregation about two proposed homeschool enrichments programs that want to rent space from The Fount. The congregation is invited to stay after worship this coming Sunday, April 23rd, to hear about the proposals and to provide input...

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Paint Day At The Fount!

Mark your calendars for April 22nd and come and assist some of your friends in painting the three classrooms upstairs (Rooms 201, 204, and 205).  Behr Paint has donated the paint so all we need are some willing participants to come on that date from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm...

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Easter Sunday Service

Make plans now to be in church on Easter Sunday, April 16th!  Easter is the day we celebrate the most important event in the world’s history:  the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!  There is no more important day for Christians! Pastor Glen will preach a sermon titled “What’s the Point of...

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Good Friday Prayer Vigil

Come by the church on Good Friday (April 14th) all day, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and engage in a self-guided time of prayer and meditation along with self-served Holy Communion.  There will be meditation/prayer guides along with gentle music played throughout the day.  Come whenever you can and...

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