Join Us Maundy Thursday, March 18th

You are invited to worship on Maundy Thursday, March 28th at 7:00 PM in The Fount Sanctuary. We will retell the story of Jesus’ suffering and death through Scripture readings and a slowly darkening Sanctuary. The service is called “Tenebrae”, which means “darkness.” We will also observe the Last Supper...

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What is Deconstruction? – The Fount Account

You may have heard of people “deconstructing” their Christian faith and wondered what it was. Perhaps a son or daughter, or a grandchild has announced that they are deconstructing their faith or have already done it. What does that mean? Essentially, “deconstruction” in the context of one’s faith means that...

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No 9:00 Service This Sunday (3/17)!

In order to get to know them better, The Fount will be joining in with the Free Life Community Church’s 11:30 AM worship service this Sunday, March 17th. There will be no 9:00 service this week. Free Life members have been visiting the 9:00 service off and on for the...

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Send a Kid to Camp!

Join us this coming Thursday, March 7th, for an all you can eat spaghetti dinner! Ric Seaver will be taking youth from our congregations to Winter camp in March and they need your support to get there. They’ll be cooking and serving up heaps of delicious pasta, salad and offering meatballs...

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Calling All Men!

The men of The Fount, Free Life Community Church, Vietnamese Evangelical Church and La Cima are gathering on Saturday morning, March 9th at 9am for their semi-monthly Men’s Breakfast! All men are welcome. There is no cost. The menu is good food and good fellowship, and a Word of encouragement...

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Why Observe Lent? – The Fount Account

We have entered into the season of Lent once again. Lent is a season of preparation, much as Advent is, but Lent is observed and participated as preparation for the grand Event of Easter. These 40 days (plus 6 Sundays—more on that in a moment) are meant to help us...

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