Townhall Meeting – Reminder!

This Wednesday, April 17th at 6:30 PM, The Fount and Free Life Community congregations will gather for a Townhall meeting in the Sanctuary. We’re adding a chicken taco dinner! So, come with your appetites! Pastors Paul and Glen will present some thoughts and we will entertain questions about our two...

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Come to the Townhall Meeting – April 17th

The Fount and Free Life Community Church will hold a joint Townhall meeting on Wednesday, April 17th, at 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary. The purpose of this Townhall is to conference together about our future. We will talk about our life together, answer any questions the members of the congregations...

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Discouraged – The Fount Account

I have been discouraged lately. In politics, social media, schools, and even in churches, cultural wars have broken out and I cannot picture how peace will prevail. Health issues with friends and family and issues related to disaffiliation compound the discouragement. I want to fix things that are mostly out...

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Community Service Day – April 20th

The Fount Church has been selected to be recipients of a service project by the Greater HB Interfaith Council. On that day, volunteers from the community will be here to paint the gazebo. Some minor repairs are already underway by one of our former Welcome Home volunteers, Frank Wilson. There will...

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O Happy Day!

This Sunday, March 31st, is Easter! It’s the day of days, when we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus! It’s going to be an awesome day of worship (9:00 AM), egg hunt and brunch. Don’t miss it! And remember your church on Easter. Each year we take a special...

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Report: Our Mission in Uganda

The Fount supports a mission school and Methodist church in Iganga, Uganda. Under the leadership of Pastor Ayub Mugabi, we send support for God of Grace United Methodist Church and the New Standard School! The money we send goes mostly toward food for the students in the school. There are...

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Children Are the Future – The Fount Account

There is a song called, “The Greatest Love of All” sung by Whitney Houston. In the lyrics, it says, I believe the children are our future.  Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them a sense of pride to...

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