Boy Scout Sunday at The Fount

On Feb 11th we were joined by scouts and their families from both Cub Scout Pack and Boy Scout Troop 567.  The scouts participated in the service offering prayers, reading scriptures and sharing the Scout Law’s scriptural basis.  Everyone enjoyed a Hot Dog picnic after service with the support of...

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Holy Communion at The Fount in March

It is our practice to celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month, but in March we will be switching to the second Sunday.  Pastor Glen will be away on vacation and Beth Silvers will be preaching on March 4th, so we will celebrate Communion on Sunday, March...

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It’s Spring Season

Most of you know that I am a BIG fan of baseball. The Angels, to be specific, but baseball in general.  Every year at this time I get all excited because the Angels are gathering in Tempe, Arizona, to once again begin training for the new baseball season (which begins...

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Youth Going to Camp!

This year youth will be attending a weekend winter camp. ​ Winter camp has historically been a time of transformative faith building for youth as they leave their families and are challenged to make decisions about their faith journey.  Some choose to follow Christ for the first time, some commit...

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Use of Facilities at The Fount

As we now have three other religious groups meeting at The Fount during the week and on the weekends, space is at a premium for meetings and/or classes.  If you or your group needs space for a meeting/class/event, please make sure to contact the church office (phone 714-962-2593; email:  Office@TheFount.Church)...

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Messy Church

Last Month we learned about how God spoke to Jacob in a dream while he was in the desert.  We talked about places that are special to us and what Jacob did to remember the place where God spoke to him.  Several of our regular table leaders were gone but...

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Ash Wednesday Service

Observing Lent is always a challenge, given our busy lives and cluttered schedules. But starting off right is not a problem: just come and participate in the Ash Wednesday Service on February 14th (yes, it is Valentines Day!) at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary.  It will be a brief service...

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Hymn Sing at The Fount

At the meeting of the Nurture Team on January 21st, it was decided to alter the “Awakening Hymn Sing” in order to provide a more impacting experience and to encourage more participation. Starting in February, we will invite people to submit hymn requests using the slips that will be inserted...

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