A Missions Report From Global Teams

Because of the need for sensitivity in the area, the Krouse family is protective of their people in service. They have had a loss of helpers in the translation program and new team meetings as they have been preparing for the interlinear literal translation that will appear in Sinaiticus Greek. ...

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Men’s Breakfast: July 7th at Marie Callender’s

The Men’s Breakfast in July will be held on Saturday, July 7th, at 8:00 AM (note the new time).  And we will be meeting at Marie Callender’s Restaurant in Fountain Valley (18889 Brookhurst).  Each man will be responsible for buying their own breakfast, or just come for the program! We will...

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Messy Church Family Outing to Adventure Playground

Our second family outing replacing Messy Church during the summer is scheduled for July 7th and is a trip to the Adventure Playground in Irvine, 1 Beech Tree Lane, Irvine, CA 92612.  We will meet at 10:00 am.  Families can explore Adventure Playground’s many amenities, including: Tree house Sensory garden Climbing...

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A Firm Foundation, Part 2

If there is interest in offering a second study of the book,  A Firm Foundation, Pastor Glen would like to know.  Currently, the study is being offered on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM.  Perhaps there are some who would like to study the material but would prefer another day and/or...

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Preschool at The Fount Summer School

The Fount’s preschool will have a  two-week summer school program beginning Monday,  June 18th and continuing through  June 29th.  The theme for both weeks is “Science is Cool” and “Splish…Splash Water Fun”.   Please contact the preschool office with any questions and to check availability of space (phone 714-968-2834).

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Annual Conference Meets June 13-16

The California-Pacific Annual Conference will meet at the University of Redlands once again this year (and perhaps for the last time) from Wednesday, June 13th, through Saturday, June 16th.  A proposal will come before the conference to move the annual conference to San Diego starting next year. Our lay member...

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New Sermon Series on 1 Peter

Starting June 24th, Pastor Glen will be preaching through the letter of First Peter. The sermon series is entitled “Faith for Difficult Times.” The early Christians faced unprecedented persecutions and hardships for their faith, not unlike many believers alive today in some parts of the world. And the struggle to...

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Vacation Bible School Scheduled for August

The Fount, La Cima and the Vietnamese Evangelical Church of Fountain Valley  (VECFV)  will be hosting a Vacation Bible School (VBS) daily August 13-17 from 5:00 to  7:00 pm here at The Fount.  Please save the dates on your calendars.  More details will be provided as the  plans for this VBS...

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