Messy Church Picnic

Friday, May 3rd, 6pm – 8pm. Come enjoy a picnic, campfire, songs and stories of what God is doing in people’s lives. All ages fellowship. We hope to see you there!
Friday, May 3rd, 6pm – 8pm. Come enjoy a picnic, campfire, songs and stories of what God is doing in people’s lives. All ages fellowship. We hope to see you there!
This Sunday, May 5th, Caitlin Oden will give her report on the recent mission trip to Kenya that many in our church supported and contributed to. Her report will consist of commentary about the trip along with pictures. So come this Sunday to church to hear Catie’s mission report from...
Because Palm Sunday falls on the second Sunday in April, and because we plan to have our “Palms Parade” again at the beginning of the service, we are moving the Awakening Hymn Sing this month only to April 28th (the fourth Sunday). Plan now to come and sing lustily your...
We have a beautiful front lawn, perfect for an Easter Egg Hunt! So bring the kids, the grandkids, and the neighbor kids (with parents’ permission, of course!) this Sunday, April 21st, Easter Sunday! Following worship (around 11:45 AM) we will release the chillin’ to go find all the treat-laden eggs...
Holy Week is all about walking with Jesus as He experiences the suffering handed out by humankind to the Holy Son of God. On Thursday of Holy Week, we observe the Last (Lord’s) Supper and Tenebrae (Service of Darkness). It is a dramatic service that drives us deeper into the...
This Easter, we are making available 18 yard signs for The Fount members to place in their front yards to invite their neighbors to come “Find Hope This Easter”! It is a simple way to direct your neighbors to our website, which will be ready to receive visitors and invite...
On Palm Sunday, April 14th, we will once again do the Palms Parade around the front lawn prior to worship. La Cima will join us in this (what has become) annual tradition! If you have palm trees in your yard, would you mind calling Julie in the church office and...
Have you considered including fasting as a part of your observation of Lent? It is a discipline that most of us don’t even consider however, Jesus assumed that we would fast. Some reasons to fast may be to prepare for ministry, for guidance, for repentance, and to worship God. ...
After the conclusion of the Special Called General Conference of The United Methodist Church, Dr. Kenneth Nehrbass interviewed Pastor Glen for his video podcast, “Gospel & Culture Blog.” Here is a link to view the interview. For more information, contact Pastor Glen in the church office, (714) 962-2593 or email...
Pastor Glen will begin a new Lenten sermon series this Sunday, March 10th, called “Listen to Him.” The six-week series will follow the narrative in the Gospel of Luke from Jesus’ Transfiguration to His Crucifixion. Here is the schedule of sermons: March 10: “This is My Son” Luke 9:28-36 March...