Worship Night Palm Sunday!

Join us (in-person only, no live stream) this Sunday evening for a special night of worship at The Fount. Starting at 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary, we will sing and celebrate the Lamb of God, Who is Worthy! Using familiar hymns and worship songs, this will be a night to...

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Join Us for the Parade!

This coming Sunday, April 2, 2023, is Palm Sunday. As has become our tradition here at The Fount, we will enjoy a celebrative parade around the front lawn, waving palm branches and singing “Hosanna!”. But this year, we will do so AFTER our worship service! So that brothers and sisters...

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Rehearsed Spontaneity – The Fount Account

Last Sunday, as the worship team was rehearsing in preparation for leading worship, we went through a couple of options of how to be spontaneous with a particular song. The concept struck me: we were rehearsing spontaneity! Seems like a contradiction in terms! And it is, in some ways. After...

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The Fount Account – Focus on Mission

We’ve been unpacking some lessons learned from planting a church within the Disney (World) employees by Steven Barr, the founder of “Cast Member Church”. You can read the entire article here: Five Lessons Learned From a Church Embedded in The Walt Disney Company – Fresh Expressions So far we’ve looks...

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Game Night!

You are invited to come and enjoy an evening of table games and dessert at The Fount, including all of the congregations that meet at The Fount. So our brothers and sisters from La Cima, Vietnamese Evangelical Church (VEC), and Free Life Community Church are also invited to come. This...

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