Trust Worthy? – The Fount Account

As The Fount continues its quest to disaffiliate (leave) The United Methodist Church (UMC) denomination, the one major sticking point is what is called the “trust clause.” This clause is (purportedly) inserted into every property deed that local United Methodist churches hold. It says, in essence, that the real property...

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New Summer Sermon Series: Corinthian Questions

Pastor Glen Haworth will begin a new sermon series this week that will last the whole summer! “Corinthian Questions” will examine many of the pastoral questions posed to Paul, which makes up much of his first letter to this important church. Questions like immorality in the church, division, temptation, marriage,...

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Calling All College and Young Adults!

There will be a very special Worship Night for the young adults and college students of the congregations who meet at The Fount. It will happen on Saturday, June 10th, with the doors opening at 6:30. Dinner will be served afterwards. Note that everyone is welcome, but the music and...

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June: The Way to the Holy Spirit

By: Steve Seamands In his classic book, “The Way to Pentecost,” originally published in 1932, Samuel Chadwick, a leader in the British Methodist Church, poignantly describes, “The Church without the Spirit.” As we embark upon this new adventure called the Global Methodist Church, how crucial it is for us to...

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Chuck Colson on Memorial Day – The Fount Account

I subscribe to Breakpoint of the Colson Center. Every day, Breakpoint provides commentary that helps me be a better Christian and a better citizen of the United States. I recommend it highly. Click on the link below to subscribe. Some years ago, Chuck Colson wrote the following on Memorial Day,...

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Watch the Prayer Summit on YouTube

If you missed the wonderful service we hosted Friday evening of the Fountain Valley Prayer Summit, Good News! Free Life Community Church live streamed the event, and you can watch it on YouTube! Go to: FLCC/The Fount/LaCima Prayer Night Live @ The Fount – YouTube It was an awesome evening, and...

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Prayer Summit is This Week!

This is the week for the 2023 Fountain Valley Prayer Summit! This year, we are spreading out the joy by having three churches host the event! Friday night is our night here at The Fount. We, along with Free Life Community Church, La Cima, and Vietnamese Evangelical will share the...

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God’s Never Ending Work – The Fount Account

It’s hard to believe but this is the Seaver’s 9th year at The Fount. With exciting new things on the horizon I often spend time thinking about what’s come before. In our time here new programs often started with so much hope and promise. Fifteen families at a Spiritual Parenting...

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Justice – The Fount Account

“Justice” is a word that is used quite frequently these days, including in the church. Which is fine, because justice is a biblical word. However, the way the word is used in many cases, especially today, is only faintly related to its biblical usage. Too often, justice is used today...

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Let’s Pray for Fountain Valley!

Plan now to attend this year’s Fountain Valley Prayer Summit, May 25-27. Each of the three nights, churches in Fountain Valley will gather to pray, worship, and listen to God’s voice for our community. The three nights will be hosted by three different churches. On Thursday, May 25th, Living Waters...

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