Office Closure

The office at Fountain Valley United Methodist Church will be closed on Friday, August 21st and Monday, August 24th.  Please feel free to call the office and leave a message, 714-962-2593.  Someone will return you call on Tuesday, August 25th.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

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Worship Leader/Music Minister Needed

Fountain Valley UMC is looking for a very special person to fill a newly-created staff position: Worship Leader/Music Minister. This is a part time position (10 hours per week, on average) to focus on leading Sunday morning worship at the 10:30 AM blended service. It includes planning the worship set and the...

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Another Missionary Report From Julie Green

In July, I was asked to observe the Culture Meets Scripture Workshop in Papua New Guinea order to give the trainers feedback on the course.  Culturally defined significant events can be times of intense struggle for believers living  in non-Christian communities. This workshop works with church leaders to help them equip those they serve to resist pressures to...

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Pastor Glen to go on Sermon Planning Retreat

During the week of August 24th, Pastor Glen will be on a sermon planning retreat.  He will be praying and seeking God’s direction in planning his preaching for the coming year.  Please be praying for him as he engages in this retreat that God will fill him with the Word...

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Report from Missionary Julie Green

In May Julie Green, a missionary FVUMC supports, had the privilege of being a part of a cross-cultural leadership development initiative.  The Asia Area leadership team hosted a coaching training workshop for Asia Area leaders.  The thinking is that leaders who use coaching skill in their leadership roles listen better and ask better questions and in turn, become...

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Prayer and Healing Service

August has five Sundays, so it’s time for our Prayer and Healing Service, held on the fifth Sunday of months with five Sundays! Prayer and Healing is a gentle, casual, intimate time of worship and prayer with a time of teaching as well.  It starts at 7:00 PM and goes until everyone...

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Preschool Opening Set

Below is the schedule for the start of the school year for our preschool. September 11 Meet the Teacher Orientation MWF & 5 Day Students – 10:00 am T/TH Students – 11:00 am September 14  School Starts for MWF and 5 day students September 15  School Starts for T/TH students  ...

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Beth Moore Women’s Ministry Event

FVUMC will be hosting a simulcast of the Beth Moore ministry event on Saturday, September 12, 2015.  Beth Moore is a nationally known Bible teacher and author.  This year’s event theme is Audacious.  Thirty years in the making, Audacious is a deep dive into the message that has compelled Beth Moore to serve...

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Night of Worship (N.O.W.)

The Orange County Aglow group will be presenting a night of worship in the Sanctuary on August 21st at 7:00 pm.  Come and experience the presence and glory of the Lord!  This is an OC Aglow area-wide corporate worship.  

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