Dear Family of Christ at The Fount,
I wanted to say hello and share again how honored I am to be called by God to be your Pastor in this season. You have been warm and kind to me and my family. Thank you! I pray that as we get to know each other, God will ease some of our worries and guide us into ministry together. To help with that, I want to assure you of some of the things I believe.
I believe in our shared Creeds. In my own words, I’d say that God is the creator of everything and is still at work in the world today. Jesus is God, mysteriously fully God and yet distinct from the Father & Holy Spirit. He was in the begin, gave up everything to become fully human in the person of Jesus of Nazareth for our salvation. I believe fully in his life, death, resurrection, and ascension, and that he will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, fully God and yet distinctly Spirit. Who is the breath of life, the voice of the prophets, and the very real presence of God dwelling inside of believers today. I believe that the Church is One across all time and space of which Christ is the head, is made of those who have been forgiven of sins and restored into right relationship with God through the power of Christ’s loving sacrifice, and will be gifted resurrection and eternal life.
Second, I believe the Bible is God’s Word. It cannot be ignored. It must be deeply explored by the guidance of the Holy Spirit who gives us wisdom for understanding that often comes through our own experiences, the history & traditions of the Church, and the knowledge and reasoning that God created us to have.
Third, I believe that salvation is God’s desire for all people. Jesus’ sacrifice is for every single person who has ever lived and will ever live. In fact, it is for all creation. But God will not force his loving relationship on anyone. Instead, we must choose to allow Christ to be our Lord and savior. This is not a one time choice, but a daily, sometimes moment by moment choice, that claims us and changes us.
Fourth, I believe that God is bigger than my greatest comprehension, more powerful than I can even imagine, and works in mysterious ways. Therefore I always try to leave room in my words and imagination for the possibility that God will do something completely outside of the ways I expect, understand, or usually experience.
Fifth and finally, (I could go on forever, but this seems pretty long already) If I were to narrow it down, I’d say my foundational values are rooted in God’s love, grace, and forgiveness. I resonate strongly and am shaped by the understandings of God as Creator, of all people being made in the image of Christ, Christ’s radical message of embodied, active love, and the power of the Holy Spirit to completely transform the lives of believers.
It’s so hard to put all of this into words, and to keep it relatively short. If you have any furthering questions on any of this, please don’t hesitate to reach out! My phone is now replaced, so you can call, text, or email me. Additionally, I’d love you to come visit me! You can stop by during my office hours, or set up a time specifically to get together. This week I’m planning to be at the Fount on Monday and Thursday. Hope you’ll stop by!
Blessings & Peace,