Yes, there is a cost of having children! The question is: are they worth the cost? Or better, what is the cost if you decide not to have children?
In the last few years, the cost of almost everything, especially having children, has risen. It will cost an average of $20,000 a year to raise a child. With childcare cost being one of the biggest portions.
In Luke 14:28-30, Jesus encourages people to count the cost before following Him. He wants his disciples to know before they start the journey that being a disciple of Jesus will cost everything. But it’s worth it. The cost of NOT following Jesus is even greater!
Not everyone is called to have children, however a lot more people are choosing to be childless or to have only one child, because of the cost and the environmental impact children have.
I was blessed with two children and will argue that they are absolutely worth it, and I would happily pay the price over and over. Even with all the difficulty and costs of raising them, I still love them more than anything, despite all their imperfections. My love for my children has helped me understand God’s love for me. My children are a reminder that life is not all about us. This is how God loves all of us.
All children are made in the image of God, and when we have children we are spreading God’s glory. Children are costly, but they are a blessing and worth every penny and every tear. They are a priceless gift just as following Christ is.
Katja Flores
Director of Preschool at The Fount