Change is Good, Transformation is Better – The Fount Account

I remember the day that my family moved into a new house.  As we were unpacking our boxes, my dad was busy making sure that all the utilities were being turned on.  The only thing left was the phone.  However, before my dad called the telephone company he looked around and then at his cell phone. Then he said, “I guess we don’t need the telephone anymore because we have our cell phones now”.

Change is inevitable. We see it all around us.  New technology, new businesses, new restaurants, and new types of churches. We have churches online, micro churches, and other expressions of gathering together as a body.  While change is great and needed, one thing should never change: our faith in Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:17 states, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” while a lot of people might read this verse as a statement of change, I want us to consider that God has created us in His perfect image.  He created us to be holy and righteous. However, due to the sin and the fall of mankind,  we have now fallen short of God’s glory.  It is only by His grace and the debt He has paid for our sins through His Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross for us to save us from our sins that we can be reconciled back to God once more.
