It is my intention to retire from active ministry this coming June 30, 2024.
Wow! I can’t believe I just wrote that! And yet, there it is. I’m going to retire in six months, the Lord willing and the creek don’t rise!
We’ve been through a lot in the past almost 10 years, and yet those years are just a quarter of the total years I have been in “the ministry.” By June 30th, I will have served as a United Methodist clergyperson for 42 years; 43 if you count the last year I was in seminary and ordained as a deacon. How time flies when you’re having fun!
But there are still six months to go and a lot of work!
As announced last week, Rev. Paul Park (a.k.a. “Pastor Paul”) has come on staff at The Fount to help with the transition. You’ll be hearing a lot more in the coming weeks, including plans and proposals for the future of The Fount. Please begin praying for Pastor Paul and for all that God has for us in the coming months. The leadership of The Fount will also need your prayers and support. So keep Joy Goebel (Church Council), Ted Smith (Lay Leader), Gary Ashcraft (Trustees), Mike Whitmore (Staff-Parish Relations), the staff and other leaders as they work through the transition issues.
And pray for Cyndy and me. There are many complications to work through in our retirement plans.
But even more importantly, let us pray together for God’s guidance. The Fount is a wonderful church with a full history of faithful service to the Lord and this community. It is exciting to think about the future, and what God might have in mind for us! Let us consider and pray together. I’m looking forward to see how God works everything out!
In Hope,