What a night it was! Saturday, July 30, 2022 was the inaugural event in our new autism ministry, Radiate Possibility, and we had 57 people turn out to enjoy an evening of music, lights, refreshments and fun! There was even some dancing! But the big fun came when balloons were batted around the room with everyone joining in!
The purpose of the evening was to provide something that many of the people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) were never able to experience: their prom! So, we all got dressed up and threw a prom for them. It was magical!
Special thanks to Lee Selby, Kristin Selby Gonzalez, Ric Seaver, Alen Hansen and a host of volunteers for working to make this happen. It was the first of many events to come. In addition to making our worship space and services more ASD-friendly, we have also transitioned the Prayer Room into a Sensory Room where folks with ASD can go to chill out and re-focus. Stop by the next time you’re at church and check it out!
Cyndy and I had the pleasure of reconnecting with Anthony and Sarah Boger during the event. Pastor Anthony was instrumental in securing funding for Radiate Possibility when it was hosted at Surf City Church. When the conference moved to close Surf City down, the Selby’s asked if they could move the ministry to The Fount. Of course, we said “Yes!” And a beautiful new relationship has developed. We are looking forward to welcoming many more families affected by ASD to worship and other events at and sponsored by The Fount in the coming months.
It is a change for many of us, however, so I want to say a big “Thank you!” to all. Adjusting to new people, especially those with social challenges, is not easy. But I have found this congregation to be amazing in its ability to welcome people of all stripes. As we reach out in the love of Jesus to people who have been excluded from many churches because of their challenges, we are fulfilling one of our most important callings. And I believe God will bless our efforts and increase our faith as we do so. But there will be questions and concerns, I am sure. So, do not hesitate to talk with me, Ric, Julie, Lee or Kristin if you have any concerns.
Our next event will be in November, and I’m hoping to have more volunteers from The Fount helping with it. It truly is rewarding! Don’t miss this opportunity to jump on board with what God is doing in and through our church!