Because Good Friday is such an important day in Holy Week, we often forget how significant the day before Christ’s crucifixion was.
~It’s on this day that Judas betrayed Jesus.
~It’s on this day that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as an example for them to be servants to those they would lead.
~It’s on this day that Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to be with them.
~It’s on this day that Jesus foretold Peter’s denial.
~It’s on this day that Jesus gave a new commandment to his disciples, telling them to “love one another.”
~And it’s on this day that Jesus shared the Eucharist with his disciples for the last time, until they share it again in heaven.
Jesus was preparing his disciples in ways that they would not understand until after he was gone. It makes me wonder how many of my life experiences have been in preparation for his return, even if I don’t understand it now. It also gives me comfort to know that Jesus did not expect them to fully grasp what was going on and it helps me to trust that he sees the big picture and I certainly don’t.
At 7:30PM tonight, we will be observing Maundy Thursday at church. This will be a somber service of scriptures describing the last moments of Christ before his crucifixion. We will share communion, as Jesus did with his disciples and as the lights progressively dim, we will be reminded that Jesus’ life was extinguished for our salvation.