The Fount Fellowship Time is Moving!

With our new Sunday schedule starting this week (Easter Sunday), our Fount Family Fellowship Time on Zoom is moving. It will occur about 5 minutes after the conclusion of the online service that begins at 12 noon. So if you are participating in the online service, flip on over to Zoom to enjoy some face to face (albeit screen) time!

We are also moving the Zoom meeting to new credentials starting this Sunday. You can access it easily by going to: If you are used to accessing Zoom directly, you’ll need to update the meeting credentials to those pointed to by the link above.

With a full in-person worship service at 10am and our online live stream worship service at 12noon, we have a full Sunday schedule for you! We will see if the online Zoom Fellowship Time continues to be popular and make adjustments accordingly.

As always, if you need any technical help with our online ministries, call the church office (714-962-2593) or email Julie Laffoon at