This year, during Lent, you have the opportunity to engage with your friends at The Fount in several ways as we make our way to Easter!
We’ll start things off with an Ash Wednesday service with the New Room Conference. This Wednesday, February 17th (Ash Wednesday) from 4:00 to 6:00 pm (PT) we will join the online New Room Conference. You can view the service at The Fount in the Sanctuary, or from the comfort of your own home! If you want to view from home, go to the website here to register and receive the link information. If you’re planning to come to the church, just come. We will have some pre-prepared ashes for you to self-impose at the appropriate point in the service. If you watch from home, we invite you to prepare your own ashes or dirt to impose on yourself at that point in the service. There will be wonderful music, preaching and worship. There is no charge for the service.
On Wednesday evenings, starting February 17th (Ash Wednesday) at 7:00 pm (PT) we will have a Zoom Lenten study, utilizing the Daily Text devotional “Soundtrack: a 40-day Playlist Through the Psalms” (which you can purchase here) or just tune in at 9:00 am (PT) each morning as Pastor Glen shares it during Daily Devotions. You can also subscribe to receive the readings by email by going here. The weekly Lenten study will also include a video by J.D. Walt (the author) and a discussion. It will be held on Zoom, which you can join by clicking here.
Pastor Glen will also give a sermon series that will go along with our Daily Devotions and weekly Lenten Study. Each Sunday, he will preach a message based on a Psalm. So don’t miss a Sunday!
Preparing for Easter is what Lent is all about. Join with your church family in this holy season of preparation!