Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Sunday, January 17, 2021, was Sanctity of Human Life Sunday at The Fount and all over the nation. It is the Sunday in the year when we remind ourselves that God created each human being in His image, and there every human being is sacred, including those yet unborn.

We watched a video during the 10:30 online service, and had materials at both the 9:00 outdoor and 10:30 online services to promote the Horizon Pregnancy Clinic in HB, a vital ministry in our area that serves to provide a viable alternative to abortion to pregnant young women. You have the opportunity to support Horizon.

Come, let us worship the Lord of all life, and let us lift up human beings, the special creation of God.

So God created humankind in His image,
in the image of God He created them;
male and female He created them.
(Genesis 1:27 NRSV)