Once Again, Let’s Commit

A tradition in Methodist/Wesleyan churches through the centuries has been to annually renew the commitment to being a follower of Jesus, using the Covenant Renewal Service that John Wesley produced. The first Sunday of a New Year is the traditional time to hold John Wesley’s Covenant Renewal Service.

As has become our tradition at The Fount, we will be engaging this powerfully meaningful service this Sunday, January 3, 2021. You are invited to attend either the 9:00 am in-person outdoor service or the 10:30 am online live streamed service to renew your commitment to follow Jesus in the coming year!

For those who attend the 9:00 service, copies of the renewal service will be inserted in the bulletin. For those attending the 10:30 service online, the church office will mail you a copy of the service upon your request. The words will be on-screen, but if you want a printed copy, please call (714-962-2593) or email (office@thefount.church) and request a copy.

You can read about the history of this service here.

Let’s start the New Year (in the secular calendar!) off right, come to worship this Sunday and renew your commitment to follow Jesus!